Última modificación: 19 de febrero de 2025
Canyon Crest Before/after School Guidelines
Dr. Sean Edwards, Principal
Angela Colton, After School Coordinator
4664 North Canyon Road Provo, UT 84604 (801) 221-9873 – Office
Our mission in the Before/After School Program at Canyon Crest Elementary is to provide a safe place for students to participate in enrichment activities, explore new interests, and discover new skills and talents.
Programs are available Monday–Thursday for students in 1st-6th grade. Before a student attends any classes, parents should read the After School Guidelines and fill out the Registration Form online through the following link:
Program Costs
There are no fees for Before or After School classes.
Health & Safety
A student may not attend the Before/After School Program with any of the following symptoms:
- Fever over 100°
- Discolored Nasal Discharge
- Sore Throat
- Undiagnosed Rash
- Severe Cold
- Diarrhea
- Inflamed or Watery Eyes
- Vomiting
- Contagious Illness
Parents and/or emergency contacts will be called to pick up a student if they arrive with or develop any of these symptoms during the day. Parents must check out their student in the main office. The child may return after being symptom-free for 24 hours.
All parents in the program will be notified in writing if their child has been exposed to a contagious illness.
Emergency Medical Situations
If our staff determines that emergency medical attention is necessary, they will call 911 and then immediately contact the parent/guardian. Once 911 has been called, paramedics will decide the appropriate medical action. The parent/guardian is responsible for all medical costs. Provo School District will not cover medical expenses.
Computer & Network Services
Students must act in a considerate and responsible manner according to the Provo School District Electronic Use Policy. Misuse of services may result in loss of privileges and potential disciplinary or legal action, including criminal prosecution, suspension, or expulsion.
Regular attendance is important for safety and enhances the student experience. Attendance will be taken for enrichment classes. Due to class size limitations, we aim to serve as many students as possible. If a student does not attend regularly:
- The program instructor will notify the parent/guardian.
- If attendance does not improve, the student may be dismissed to allow another student to take their place.
Pick-Up Policy
Only authorized individuals listed on the registration form may pick up a student. Any changes must be made prior to pick-up time. In case of last-minute changes, a phone call is acceptable.
If a parent/guardian picks up a student before the end of an after-school class, they must sign out the student in the main office.
Students must be picked up within ten minutes after the program ends.
Late Pick-Ups
- Parents must notify the school if delayed due to inclement weather or traffic.
- After three late pick-ups, participation in the program may be jeopardized.
- If no contact is made and emergency contacts cannot be reached, the student will be released to the local police or social services.
- For safety reasons, program staff are not allowed to give students a ride home.
Students must follow all Canyon Crest school rules, as well as Provo City School District Safe School Policies and Computer Use policies. They are also expected to:
- Follow the Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo and Canyon Crest Elementary dress code policies.
- Show respect for other students and teachers.
- Stay with their before/after school program group.
- Leave all personal belongings (phones, handheld video games, music players, etc.) in their backpacks. The school is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen belongings.
Discipline Process
If a student does not abide by the guidelines:
- First warning is given.
- If behavior continues, the student sits out for 5 minutes.
- If behavior does not improve, the student will sit out for the rest of the day, and a parent/guardian will be contacted.
- For continued misbehavior, a conference will be held with the Program Coordinator, class instructor, parent/guardian, and student.
Repeated violations may result in removal from the program.
Concerns & Appeals
Parents/guardians or students with questions about guidelines and procedures may:
- Speak with or set an appointment with the Program Coordinator at (801) 221-9873.
- Submit a written appeal to the Principal, Dr. Sean Edwards, within three days of a disciplinary action.
Failure to follow program guidelines may result in removal from the Before/After School Program.