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Provo City School District Logo

Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Canyon Crest

September 18, 2024 at 3:40pm

Attendance:  Sean Edwards, Christine Whatcott, Shane Wright, Ian Miller, Rachel Husberg, Nelson Pace, Kate Patterson, Melvin Rodriguez

  • Welcome Review Mission and Vision Statement Review School Improvement Plan Goals Whole School Improvement Individual scores are looked at for trends. Canyon Crest received recognition from Solution Tree.

1. Purpose of School Community Council

Created to Involve stakeholders, including the parents of students, in decision making at the school level. Improve the education of students. Spending of school trust lands money.

2. Norms

ROAR- Respect, Ownership, Attitude, Responsibility Same expectation as we have for our kids.

3. Introductions

  • Kate Patterson- Parent, 3rd year on the council, 2 students at CC, loves community council because of background in PR- enjoys sharing facts with the community.
  • Melvin Rodriguez- Parent of 3 students at CC, passionate about being involved in the community. Important to him.
  • Shane Wright- Parent of 2 students, 6+ member of community council, on the middle school and high school community council.  Love being involved.  Loves being a champion of the school.
  • Rachel Husberg- Parent of 2 students, drawn to what the root of a problem is- can do a lot of that with this group, enjoys feeling like she’s making an impact.
  • Christine Whatcott- Assistant Principal
  • Ian MIller- Parent of 2 students at CC, on the middle school community council, love seeing the data, and being part of the solutions/problem solving.
  • Nelson Pace- Not able to be here today, 2 students at CC
  • John Lundell- 4th grade teacher, not able to be here today.
  • Seralina Danielson- SPED teacher, not able to attend today.

4. Confirm Contact Information

Email is hidden- goes to a private form to your email. Emails were verified.

5. Meeting Dates

  • Oct. 16, 2024- Discussion about changing the date due to fall break.
  • Nov 20, 2024
  • No meeting in December
  • January 15, 2025
  • February 19, 2025
  • March 19, 2025
  • April 16, 2025

6. Review Bylaws

  • Ethical behavior/Civil discourse
  • Needs of ALL students considered.
  • Reglamento interno
  • Minutes will be shared with the community
  • The council will follow the state’s timelines including due dates for required reporting.
  • Council consists of the principal, 2 school employees (1 elected in odd year, 1 in even years), 6 parent members (half elected in even year, half elected in odd years).
  • Add 1 documented witness.
  • Election Process
    • August- Email to parents/guardians asking for self nominations/nominations.  If a parent/guardian does not respond when contacted by the school, the individual will be left off the election ballot.   If someone is not self-nominated, they can decline. If there are only the amount of nominations as open seats, there will not be an election.
    • Early September-  Elections start in person and online.
    • Mid September- Elections end.
  • Meetings
  • Chair conducts the meetings, makes assignments and requests reports on assignments.  In the absence of the chair, the vice-chair shall conduct the meetings.
  • Council must have a quorum to vote.  A quorum is equal to a majority of council members.  In order to hold a meeting, there must be a majority of parents present.
  • Conflict of interest- Must be disclosed
  • Questions about Rules of Order?
  • If a member is not attending and unresponsive, with the consent of the member, the remaining parent members can replace them.
  • A tie vote is a lost vote.  Must be more than a tie.

7. Elect SCC Chairperson

  • Chair will plan SCC meeting agendas and facilitate/lead SCC meetings.  USBE training TBD.  The chair must be a parent.
  • We also need to elect a co-chair.
  • Ian Miller nominated as chair.
  • Rachel Husberg nominated for co-chair.
  • 2nd, and unanimous vote for Ian as chair and Rachel as co-chair.

8. Additional Information (if needed)

  • Kate-  note from last year.  Net positive note from last year that we need to complete in the first 45 days. White Ribbon week next week.
  • Last year the council set it up for this year to be ready. 
  • Arranged with the Net Positive vendor to provide lessons to teachers.  K-1- 3 lessons, 2-6- 4 lessons.
  • The assembly was scheduled for Sept. 20, but they notified us that their instruction is not ready or trained. 
  • The alternative is a virtual option- these will be done in the classroom. 
  • Though this isn’t the plan, it may be more meaningful in the classroom setting so students can ask questions and engage.
  • Is the cost the same?
  • Here are the resources.  A refund can be processed.  We can provide input on the amount that should be refunded. 
  • The council recommends some refund for the in-person portion that is not happening.
  • PTA providing support with the activities for White Ribbon Week.
  • Can parents see some of the resources that will be presented? 
  • Links to the site and materials from the company are provided.
  • Email- Parents can set up a time to review the curriculum with Dr. Edwards.
  • What happens month to month between the meetings?
  • Middle of year data will be shared
  • Conversation on how to allocate funds.  Come with ideas on how the funds should be used.
  • Agenda needs to be posted on the school website at least 1 week in advance. Share any information for the agendas at least 1 week in advance to either Ian or Sean.
  • Motion to approved rules and bylaws
  • Movimiento
  • Unanimous vote

Motion to adjourn/ Meeting adjourned.

0 Acciones

Canyon Crest Padres / Guardianes, Por favor, tenga en cuenta los siguientes anuncios semanales: Día de los Presidentes - No hay clases El próximo lunes 17 de febrero no hay clases debido al Día de los Presidentes. Esperamos...

 Únase a nosotros para una próxima Noche de Padres 2025. Detalles del Evento Usted puede elegir la fecha que más le convenga. Febrero 11, 2025 en Centennial Middle School - 305 East 2320 North Provo 6:00-7:30...

Vea los anuncios en vídeo del Dr. Edwards para la semana de febrero...
