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Provo City School District Logo

Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Canyon Crest

Canyon Crest Padres/Tutores,

Please note the weekly announcements.

  1. NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS THIS FRIDAY, MARCH 14 There is no school for students on Friday, March 14 due to teacher training.
  2. STEM NIGHT ON MARCH 25 Mark your calendars! Our annual STEM Night is Tuesday, March 25 from 6:00pm-7:30pm. Additional information will be shared as the date approaches.
  3. SPRING PICTURES Spring Pictures are on Tuesday, March 18. Please see the flyer at the following link to purchase Spring Pictures if you are interested. – Spring Photos Flyer 
  4. YEARBOOK ORDERS Yearbook pre-sales are open! They are $25 each when you order until March 20. After this date, pre order sales will lock. There will be a limited quantity of yearbooks for sale when they arrive in May for $35 on a first-come, first-served basis. Order now so you don’t miss out! You can order at the link here: Yearbook Order Link with code: CanyonCrestYB25 **This is the first opportunity to buy a Canyon Crest yearbook this school year. (There were no presales at the beginning of the year.
  5. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY FOCUS GROUP OPPORTUNITY Utah State University is conducting a focus group for the Utah Women & Leadership Project. See the flyer at the following link for more information. – USU Focus Group Flyer  Lo mejor, Canyon Crest

Síguenos en las redes sociales Instagram: @canyoncrest_cubs y @principaledwards Canyon Crest Google Calendar: Canyon Crest Google Calendar

Misión: Canyon Crest capacita a todos los estudiantes para encender su potencial y demostrar excelencia activando la creatividad, manteniendo la resiliencia y ejemplificando los valores de ROAR (respeto, propiedad, actitud, responsabilidad).

Visión: Los alumnos de Canyon Crest sentirán amor por el aprendizaje; aceptarán las diferencias y mostrarán compasión hacia los demás; y contribuirán positivamente a sí mismos, a la familia, a la comunidad local y a la sociedad global.

0 Acciones

Please see the video announcements from Dr. Edwards for the week of March 10,...

¡Todavía hay tiempo para inscribir a su estudiante de 5 º grado para una semana llena de diversión en el Campamento Big Springs! La inscripción para el 5 º grado Camp Big Springs se ha ampliado y ahora se cerrará el viernes, 14 de marzo,...

Padres/Guardianes de Canyon Crest, por favor tomen nota de los anuncios semanales. Información de la Feria del Libro: ¡Esta semana es nuestra feria del libro de la escuela! Por favor, consulte el enlace para obtener más información y sobre la feria del libro...
