Anuncios semanales: 24 - 28 de marzo
Canyon Crest Padres/Tutores,
Tenga en cuenta los anuncios semanales.
- Stem Night Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 25: Our annual STEM Night is TOMORROW, Tuesday, March 25 from 6:00pm-7:30pm. Please see the STEM Night Program at the following link: Programa Nocturno STEM Hay plazas limitadas para las Clases de Ciencias de la Alimentación y las Misiones Espaciales. Si desea inscribirse para una plaza, utilice el siguiente enlace: Apúntate a la Noche STEM de la Ciencia de los Alimentos y la Misión del Laboratorio Espacial See more information about STEM Night at the following link: STEM Night Website Post
- Faculty/staff Changes For 25-26 School Year The following teachers will be changing grade levels for the 2025 – 2026 school year: -Madison Frei will be moving from 3rd Grade English DLI to 5th Grade English DLI. -John Lundell will be moving from 4th Grade English DLI to 6th Grade Traditional. -Maggie Tortolero will be moving from 5th Grade Spanish DLI to 2nd Grade Spanish DLI. We welcome new faculty members joining Canyon Crest for the 2025 – 2026 school year: -Claire Nelson – 2nd Grade Traditional -Olivia Baldwin – 3rd Grade English DLI -Katie Stout – 3rd Grade Traditional -Teresa Toluta’u – 4th Grade English DLI -Emma Garner – 5th Grade Traditional -Paula Ward – 5th Grade Spanish DLI -Jac Trunk – Special Education Teacher -Tammy Zundel – Social Worker For more information about the new faculty members, please see the following link: 25-26 New Faculty and Staff Website Post
- Semana de agradecimiento a los profesores From PTA: This week, Canyon Crest will be celebrating our teachers with Teacher Appreciation Week. Let’s show our teachers how grateful we are for them and all they do for our students! We have a schedule of things happening, but really need your help to make it happen! Please look over the schedule of events listed below and sign up for anything you can help with. Thank you so much in advance! Tuesday: “Thanks for Making us Smart Cookies” Dessert bar. Sign-Up PTA Teacher Appreciation Dessert Bar Thursday: “Nacho Average Staff and Teachers” Nacho bar for lunch. Sign-Up PTA Teacher Appreciation Nacho Bar Please reach out to Emilee Wright with any questions! Her number is 801-318-9793.
- Vacaciones de primavera Las vacaciones de primavera son del 31 de marzo al 4 de abril. La escuela se reanuda para los estudiantes el lunes 7 de abril.
- Business Sponsorship Program From PTA: We are excited to introduce a new community sponsorship program that will be featured at our Annual Canyon Crest Color Run this April! As a community sponsor your company name and logo will be displayed on the back of hundreds of Color Run t-shirts, with the potential to have your logo on a banner in the front of Canyon Crest for 1 year. Our Color Run is a fantastic Canyon Crest Community event that promotes outdoor activities, healthy lifestyles, and fun family/peer time together. It is a great event for you to support,and an opportunity to get your company’s name out and into the public eye. For more information, please see the following link: Business Sponsorship Program Information
- Rise Testing State RISE Testing will begin Monday April 14 and continue through the rest of April to the beginning of May. Generally, students do about one hour of RISE testing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thursdays and Fridays are for students who need more time or were absent earlier in the week.
- Inscripción en el jardín de infancia La inscripción para el Kindergarten para el año escolar 2025 -2026 ha comenzado. Para empezar, por favor utilice el siguiente enlace: Enlace de inscripción. Además, si usted sabe de alguien en nuestra comunidad que tiene niños en edad de jardín de infantes, por favor comparta esta información con ellos.
Lo mejor, Canyon Crest
Síguenos en las redes sociales Instagram: @canyoncrest_cubs y @principaledwards Canyon Crest Google Calendar: Canyon Crest Google Calendar
Misión: Canyon Crest capacita a todos los estudiantes para encender su potencial y demostrar excelencia activando la creatividad, manteniendo la resiliencia y ejemplificando los valores de ROAR (respeto, propiedad, actitud, responsabilidad).
Visión: Los alumnos de Canyon Crest sentirán amor por el aprendizaje; aceptarán las diferencias y mostrarán compasión hacia los demás; y contribuirán positivamente a sí mismos, a la familia, a la comunidad local y a la sociedad global.