Anuncios semanales: 3 - 7 de marzo de 2025
Canyon Crest Padres/Tutores,
Please note the weekly announcements.
- Book Fair Information: This week is our school book fair! Please see the link for more information and about the book fair special events: Book Fair Information. The Book Fair Events are: Tuesday, March 4 – Donuts & Grown-Ups from 7:45am – 8:30am Thursday, March 6 – Dr. Seuss Party from 3:30pm – 5:00pm
- Simulacro de seguridad: This Friday, March 7, students and faculty will be participating in an Evacuation Protocol safety drill.
- Spanish Spelling Bee: This Friday, March 7 is our school Spanish Spelling Bee at 1:00pm. Spanish Dual Language Immersion (DLI) teachers will be reaching out to the parents of students who are competing with more information. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s Spanish DLI Teacher.
- Open Positions: We have some openings for full-time teacher positions for next school year. We have 3 English positions and 1 Spanish DLI position. Please see the following links for more information. English (Traditional and DLI English) Positions: English Teacher Positions. Spanish Position: Spanish Teacher Positions. Feel free to share with anyone who may be interested.
- No School For Students on March 14: There is no school for students on Friday, March 14 due to teacher training.
- Stem Nigh on March 25: Mark your calendars! Our annual STEM Night is Tuesday, March 25 from 6:00pm-7:30pm. Additional information will be shared as the date approaches.
- Spring Pictures: Spring Pictures are on Tuesday, March 18. Information about how to order Spring Pictures is forthcoming.
- Yearbook Orders: You can now order Yearbooks! They are $25 each when you order until March 20. After this date, they will be $35. You can order at the link here: Yearbook Order Link with code: CanyonCrestYB25. Please note this is the first order of yearbooks. If you have any questions, please reach out to the PTA.
Lo mejor, Canyon Crest
Síguenos en las redes sociales Instagram: @canyoncrest_cubs y @principaledwards Canyon Crest Google Calendar: Canyon Crest Google Calendar
Misión: Canyon Crest capacita a todos los estudiantes para encender su potencial y demostrar excelencia activando la creatividad, manteniendo la resiliencia y ejemplificando los valores de ROAR (respeto, propiedad, actitud, responsabilidad).
Visión: Los alumnos de Canyon Crest sentirán amor por el aprendizaje; aceptarán las diferencias y mostrarán compasión hacia los demás; y contribuirán positivamente a sí mismos, a la familia, a la comunidad local y a la sociedad global.