May Principal’s Message
May 16th, 2022
May Principal’s Message As the 2021-22 school year is winding down, I want to first thank our wonderful Canyon Crest staff for their devotion and perseverance in teaching the children of this...
Dear Canyon Crest Parents,
It is hard to believe that it is springtime already! Great things are in the air here at Canyon Crest. Kindergarten registration is underway and we are so excited to welcome a new batch of kids into our school family. Registration is being done mostly online this year. Tiffany McCloud, our amazing lead secretary, is available to help with any questions you may have.
Congratulations to all of our students who made it through February with perfect attendance. We had the most students we’ve ever had meet that goal: 31%! Great job! We appreciate all the efforts you’ve made to make school a priority. Of course, if your child is feeling unwell, we encourage you to keep them home while they recover.
Some of our staff have received awards recently! Congratulations to Jessica Heaton, who won the Provo Way Award, celebrating her tremendous contributions to our school. Kayleen Nelson, one of our first-grade teachers, was our school’s recipient of the Horace Mann Crystal Apple Award for outstanding work. Nancy Widtfeldt, one of our secretaries, received the Horace Mann Classified Employee Award. Congratulations to all of you! These awards are well deserved.
Teacher Appreciation Week is March 22 – 26. We have fantastic teachers here and are excited to spend the week celebrating them.
Quarter four is almost upon us, and with it comes testing season. Grades 3-6 will participate in the RISE end-of-year tests in language arts, math, and science (4-6 only). Testing will begin in a few weeks.
Lastly, I have some personal news to share. I have accepted a position in Jordan School District as an assistant principal and will be leaving Canyon Crest on March 26th. This is a bittersweet move for me! I have spent the last nine years at this school, first as a teacher and now as the Facilitator. I deeply love our staff and students. I will truly miss my Canyon Crest family. This is a remarkable place and I have been so proud to call it my home.
Jayme Gandara, Facilitator
May Principal’s Message As the 2021-22 school year is winding down, I want to first thank our wonderful Canyon Crest staff for their devotion and perseverance in teaching the children of this...
I hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break! I can’t believe how quickly time passes and that our school year is in the final quarter! We have had such an eventful year of exciting things...
What is a STEM Designation? Over the past three years, Canyon Crest has been preparing to become a STEM designated school as teachers have been training in coding, robotics, and implementing...