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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians,

The intention of this email is to inform you that Provo City School District has updated the Attendance Policy.

The PCSD Attendance Policy can be found at the following link:

The PCSD Attendance Policy Responses to Truancy and Absenteeism can be found at the following link:

We encourage parents to read the PCSD Attendance Policy and become familiar with the attendance expectations for students.  Canyon Crest will be following the PCSD Attendance Policy.  Additional information is forthcoming.

At Canyon Crest, we value a culture of satisfactory attendance.  Students who have positive attendance outcomes generally perform at academically higher levels, have a greater connection to the school, and are better equipped for life success.  It is therefore important for students to be at school on time each morning.

Students rely on beginning-of-the-day routines to start the day and effectively prepare for learning.  We kindly ask that all students are in their seats ready to start learning at 8:50am – School starts at 8:50am.

Each day, we have the Pledge of Allegiance at 8:50am.  Teachers will take attendance promptly after the Pledge of Allegiance.  Instruction will start immediately after teachers take attendance.  Any students who arrive at school after 8:50am will be documented as tardy.

Please Note: We understand students may need to miss or be late to school for valid reasons (e.g., illness).  For these extenuating circumstances, please work with your child’s teacher(s) and the main office to make academic arrangements and document attendance correctly.

Please reach out if you have any questions – (801) 221-9873.


Canyon Crest


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