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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

March 19, 2025

Kate Patterson, Rachel Husberg, Melvin Rodriguez, Sean Edwards, Seralina Danielson, Christine Whatcott (note taker- not official member of the school community council)



  1. NWEA Math Scatter plot data- each dot is a student.  Want growth and achievement.  We are in the right area for the most part.  We would like high growth for all students.
    • Data by Grade Level. 
    • Effectiveness of Current Trust Land funds:
      • Students by grade level- BOY to MOY 
  2. By interventionists- 
    • 2 Reading Interventionists- Reading data looks really good for ELA Math data- interventionists- this person is working on maintaining- data for growth in general is looking really good. 
    • Estimated distribution for next year is $81,119.62
    • This year we used this for interventionists
    • For this year, looking at:
    • How do we help all the students? Would like to focus on growth. Interventionists who can help allow teachers to take the lead on instruction.
    • Motion to continue using the trust land funds for interventionists salaries.
    • Kate motion, Rachel second, Melvin 3rd.
  3. Boundary Study-
    • Nothing jumping out that is a red flag on our boundary study. Good information to know to help with future programming. Get into the community to determine the values of the community. We have had growth at Canyon Crest over the past 4 years. We can fit 688 in our building.  We have 487.  That is 78% capacity in our building.
  4. PR- Why are students coming to Canyon Crest? (Possible PR ideas)

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please note the weekly announcements. Stem Night Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 25: Our annual STEM Night is TOMORROW, Tuesday, March 25 from 6:00pm-7:30pm. Please see...

Please see the video announcements from Dr. Edwards for the week of March 24,...

Claire Nelson- 2nd Grade Traditional Hi! I’m Claire Nelson. I grew up in both San Clemente, California, and Provo, Utah. I graduated from Utah Valley University with a bachelor’s degree in...
