Safe Routes Instruction
August 21st, 2024
Today, all students at Canyon Crest received Safe Routes instruction (how to get to and from school safely). Thank you to our teachers for taking the time to provide this important information to...
Today, all students at Canyon Crest received Safe Routes instruction (how to get to and from school safely). Thank you to our teachers for taking the time to provide this important information to...
Listen to the full "What's Up with the Sup'" Podcast episode featuring Canyon Crest at the following...
We are excited to welcome the following new faculty and staff members to Canyon Crest! Tami Anderson – Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Teacher I'm Tami Anderson. I have had a long and...
Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please see the following weekly announcements. 1. CANYON CREST PODCAST FEATURE Canyon Crest is featured in Superintendent Dau’s podcast this week, “What’s Up...
Please see this week's video announcements from Dr. Edwards...
We had a great Welcome Back Assembly! See the highlight reel...
Faculty and Staff Highlight - Lisa Hansen! Watch the video...
On Wednesday, August 14, Superintendent Dau visited with Canyon Crest students and teachers! We will be featured on the upcoming 'Sup with the Sup' Podcast! Make sure to tune in! Thank you,...
Please go to the following link to see this year's Teacher Favorites List. Thank you to all the wonderful parents who celebrate and rewards our educators! We are so grateful for your...