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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Canyon Crest Elementary School News :

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Your child may have a form sent home regarding a Child Safe Kit.  The header says, “An Important Message From Your Child’s School.”  Please note this form was...

Please note: The District has called a Two-Hour Delay for school tomorrow. "Due to forecasted weather conditions and concerns about potential road conditions in the morning, Provo City School...

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please note the following announcement.  Provo School District has informed all schools about the possibility of a late start or an at-home learning day tomorrow. A...

Today our second graders had a wonderful visit from The Living Planet Aquarium.  They shared some special guests with our students.   There is nothing like "hands-on" experiences for our students...

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please note the following weekly announcements.    1. JANUARY NO SCHOOL DAY: The following dates in January there is no school.     - January 12th    -...

As we navigate through the winter season, it's essential to stay informed about potential weather impacts on the school day. We have updated protocols in place to enhance communication between the...

Dear Friends of Canyon Crest, Happy New Year to our Canyon Crest Community!  We are delighted to have students back in the building.  The school doesn’t feel right until the students return. We...

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians,  We hope you all had a wonderful Winter Break! Please note the following weekly announcements.  JANUARY NO SCHOOL DAY The following dates in January there is no...
