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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Parents/Guardians of Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Students,

The intent of this message is to share the process for appealing class placement decisions. In the past few days, a number of parents have requested a different homeroom class. For most cases, it seems the request is so the child can be with a preferred peer.

If, for any reason, you are interested in appealing the current class placement decision, please submit the Google Form at the following link by Tuesday, August 6 at 12:00pm.

It is difficult to review at class placement change requests on an individualized basis because any change has a potential domino effect. For example, does the change create an imbalance for the classes? Or, does the change mean that another student will not get to be with any requested peers? Etc. Once we have all appeal submissions, we can look at the changes through a “big picture” lens to see how the requested changes will impact the overall balancing of classes, peer requests, etc.

Parents who submit a class placement appeal will be notified via email if the appeal was approved on Monday, August 12. Class placement appeals may be rejected or denied. Any adjustments to class placements once school starts will occur only for extenuating circumstances.

As a friendly reminder, when the initial peer request form was submitted at the end of the 2023-2024 school year, parents indicated understanding of the following statements: “I understand that it is NOT guaranteed that my child will be with all peers requested for the 2024-2025 school year. I understand that my child may only be with one (1) peer requested for the 2024-2025 school year.” And, “I understand there are many considerations that go into creating classes for next school year – balancing academic needs, behavior needs, unique learning needs (e.g., students with individualized education programs, 504 plans, language development needs), etc.”

Please contact our administrative assistant, Sheliah Saluone, if you have any questions. (

Best, Canyon Crest


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