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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Canyon Crest Community,

As the 2024 calendar year comes to a close, I want to take a moment to express my excitement for the joy, growth, and accomplishment we have all collectively experienced together as a school community!

Although December is busy and seems to pass in the blink-of-an-eye, it is also a special time of year filled with anticipation, celebration, and opportunities to come together in the spirit of kindness and giving (as evidenced by an already successful Sub for Santa donation event!).

Our Canyon Crest Cubs continue to pursue learning in reading, writing, math, STEM, and more! I am impressed with our educators and the creative ways they engage students in meaningful learning.

This month, at various times throughout the day, one can hear students practicing their holiday performance numbers for the upcoming Canyon Crest Holiday Performance Event.

Speaking of events, please see the following important calendaring items: -Month of December: Acadience Reading and Math Middle-of-Year Assessment -December 2-6: Sub For Santa -December 6: Safety Drill (Lockdown Protocol) -December 6: 5th Grade Maturation -December 11: PTA Meeting -December 17: Holiday Performance Event (Parents Encouraged to Attend) -December 20: Holiday Classroom Celebrations (12:30 – 1:30) -After December 20: Winter Break (Students return Tuesday, January 7, 2025)

As we approach Winter Break, I want to remind families of the importance of maintaining routines. I encourage parents to help their children aside time for reading and practicing math facts. Our 4th through 6th grade students could also work on their STEM Fair projects.

On behalf of our entire Canyon Crest faculty and staff, I want to thank you for your partnership and support throughout the year. During this season where we are prompted to consider what we are grateful for, I am certainly filled with immense and immeasurable appreciation for the opportunity to serve the Canyon Crest Community. Our students and parents are the best of the best! I wish you a season filled with warmth, cheer, and time spent with loved ones.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Best, Dr. Sean Edwards


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