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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Parents/Guardians of Upcoming Canyon Crest Kindergarten Students,

We are so excited to welcome a new group of Canyon Crest Cubs this upcoming school year!  The intention of this correspondence is to provide you with information regarding the Kindergarten enrollment process at Canyon Crest Elementary School.  It is important to note that all Kindergarten classes at Canyon Crest are Full-Day.  We no longer offer Half-Day (AM/PM) Kindergarten classes.  *Please also see the Parent/Guardian Checklist at the end of this correspondence.

Step 1. KEEP Assessment

All Kindergarten students will first take the Kindergarten Entry and Exit Profile (KEEP) assessment between Wednesday, August 16 and Monday, August 21.  During this timeframe, Kindergarten students will not attend school.

We will contact you via email on Wednesday, August 9 to sign-up for a KEEP assessment testing date/time. The sign-up link will be provided in that email.  We ask that you sign-up by Monday, August 14.  Please have your child at the school building to take the KEEP assessment at your scheduled date/time. If you need to reschedule, please contact Tiffany McCloud or Nancy Widtfeldt in the main office at (801) 221-9873.

After a student has taken the KEEP assessment, the results will be scored and students will be identified in one of the following groups:

Group 1: Does not demonstrate prerequisite knowledge and skills for Kindergarten

Group 2: Demonstrates minimal prerequisite knowledge and skills for Kindergarten

Group 3: Demonstrates sufficient prerequisite knowledge and skills for Kindergarten

Step 2. Ensuring a Balanced Classroom

We value an intentional academically-balanced Kindergarten enrollment for various reasons.  A well-balanced class supports teachers in meeting the needs of the diverse learners in their class.  In addition, students who have academic or learning challenges should have an inclusive education experience along-side their typically- and higher-achieving peers.

For these reasons, ensuring an academically-balanced Kindergarten enrollment is necessary for Kindergarten classes.  To balance Kindergarten classes, we will distribute students evenly across our three (3) Kindergarten classes based on KEEP score results.

Step 3. Considering Special Factors

We understand some families may have unique circumstances that may impact Kindergarten enrollment.  If you feel this applies to your child and family, please contact our Administrative Assistant, Tiffany McCloud, and let her know about your circumstances (

Step 4. Class Placement Decisions

Using KEEP scores, special factors, and other factors, Kindergarten students will be assigned to their classes.

You should receive notification of your child’s Kindergarten class placement decision by the end of the day on Monday, August 21 via phone from one of our Kindergarten teachers, Mrs. McLeod, Mrs. Filippi, or Ms. Baird.

Step 5. Attend Kindergarten Welcome Event

We will have a short Kindergarten Welcome Event during the school day on Tuesday, August 22.  The first day of Kindergarten is Wednesday, August 23.  As a reminder, Kindergarten students will have early release on Wednesday, August 23 and Thursday, August 24 at 1:00pm.  There will be not midday bus to pick students up.  Parents are expected to pick their Kindergarten child up at 1:00pm on these dates.

Please contact our administrative assistant, Tiffany McCloud, if you have any questions (

Parent/Guardian Checklist

  • ___ Wednesday, August 9: Sign-up for KEEP assessment testing date/time (must be completed by Monday, August 14)
  • ___ Wednesday, August 16 – Monday, August 21: Come in at your scheduled date/time to have your child take the KEEP Assessment
  • ___ Monday, August 21: One of our Kindergarten teachers will contact you via phone to inform you of your child’s enrollment decision
  • ___ Tuesday, August 22: Short Kindergarten Welcome Event during the school day
  • ___ Wednesday, August 23: First day of Kindergarten (Early Release at 1:00pm, parents must pick-up)

We look forward to bringing in a new group of Canyon Crest Cubs!


Canyon Crest Elementary


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