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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

On Friday, September 27, all students (Kindergarten through 6th Grade) received instruction on safe online habits and how to be responsible stewards of the technology they have access to through an in-class assembly.  Our teachers did a phenomenal job at strategically pausing the instruction to expand and elaborate on concepts, ask students reflective questions, and allow students to ask questions.  Check out a highlight video below.


Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please note the following weekly announcements. Stem Fair Information: The Canyon Crest STEM Fair Open House for parents and visitors is this Friday, January 24...

Please see the video announcements from Dr. Edwards for the week of January...

Our Canyon Crest Parent and Student Handbook has been updated. Thank you to the parents and educators who took the time to review the handbook and provide feedback. We hope this document will be an...
