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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Our Canyon Crest students are active in the space lab again.  This is thanks to Mrs. Hansen who has taken on a new role this year in our school.  She is providing mission support for all our student scientists in

the Space Lab.  Canyon Crest is so fortunate to have this amazing tool to help students connect with their curriculum in memorable ways.  Each mission design reinforces the things that students are learning in the classroom.  All students are scheduled to participate each quarter in this engaging way to learn.  Thanks Mrs. Hansen for helping our students ROAR and SOAR.  

Nuestros estudiantes de Canyon Crest están activos nuevamente en el laboratorio espacial. Esto es gracias a la Sra. Hansen, quien asumió un nuevo rol este año en nuestra escuela. Ella brinda apoyo en la misión a todos nuestros estudiantes científicos en el Laboratorio Espacial. Canyon Crest es muy afortunado de tener esta increíble herramienta para ayudar a los estudiantes a conectarse con su plan de estudios de maneras memorables. Cada diseño de misión refuerza las cosas que los estudiantes están aprendiendo en el aula. Todos los estudiantes están programados para participar cada trimestre en esta forma atractiva de aprender. Gracias Sra. Hansen por ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a ROAR y SOAR.


On Friday, September 27, all students (Kindergarten through 6th Grade) received instruction on safe online habits and how to be responsible stewards of the technology they have access to through an...

Students in 4th grade built rockets and launched them for a STEM learning activity!  Check out a highlight video...

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please see the following message from our PTA about Fall Festival. 1. Fall Festival Time Adjustment We have made an adjustment to the start and end time of Fall...
