Weekly Announcements 9/5/23 – 9/8/23
- September 5th, 2023
Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please note the following weekly announcements. 1. Cafe Zupas School Fundraiser We are so excited for our Cafe Zupas Fundraiser. A part of your purchase...
Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please note the following weekly announcements. 1. Cafe Zupas School Fundraiser We are so excited for our Cafe Zupas Fundraiser. A part of your purchase...
Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Voting for School Community Council members is now open. To vote, please choose one (1) of the following options. Vote online via this Google Form Vote...
We are ready to start taking enrollment for our Before/After school programs. See our classes this semester and to register online We are still looking for an instructor to teach a before...
Parents! It’s a new school year and a new opportunity to apply or reapply for free and reduced meal benefits for the 2023-2024 school year on myschoolapps.com. Students who received free or...
Parents often ask about our teachers' favorite things for gifts, so we have asked them and would like to share this information with you. We are so thankful to our parent community for being so...
Follow Dr. Edwards on Instagram at the following: @principaledwards Follow for Canyon Crest updates and...
Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Elections for School Community Council will start on Tuesday, September 5. In preparation of voting, please review the biographies of the candidates who have been...