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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Parking Lot and Drop-Off/Pick-Up Information

Map of Canyon Crest Parking

1. Entrance There is one (1) entrance to the school parking lot and drop-off/pick-up lanes. The entrance is located off Canyon Road to the southwest of the school building.

2. South Crosswalk There is a crosswalk to the south of our building. Only employee vehicles are allowed to access the parking on the south end of the building. Patrons should never drive over the south crosswalk unless approved by administration.

3. Two Lanes, Part 1 As vehicles drive towards the drop-off/pick-up lanes, two (2) vehicles can fit side-by-side in this space.

4. No Access to Parking Lot (Morning Drop-Off Only) There will be no access to the parking lot at the identified entrance point during morning drop-off only. If a patron needs to park in the parking lot to enter the school during morning drop-off time, the patron will need to drive in the lane furthest from the building (west-most lane) and turn into the parking lot at point #9.

5. Three (3) Lanes Lane Closest to Building (East-Most Lane): This lane is the ONLY lane where students should be exiting the vehicle. Students must exit the vehicle from the passenger side. The driver of the vehicle should not get out of the vehicle. Middle Lane: This lane is for vehicles who intend to drop-off/pick-up their child and are searching for an open space in the lane closest to the building (east-most lane) to pull over into. Lane Furthest from Building (West-Most Lane): This lane is for vehicles who intend to exit, access the parking lot (during morning drop-off), and are not searching for a lane to pull over into.

6. Main Crosswalk This is the main crosswalk to be used for getting from the parking lot into the school building. Remember to only cross when it is safe to do so.

7. Speed Bump (Not a Crosswalk) This is a speed bump to ensure vehicles travel slowly all through the drop-off/pick-up lanes. This is not a crosswalk for students to use alone. If Kindergarten and 1st Grade parents would like to use this speed bump to cross when picking-up their child from the designated area (point #8), they are welcome to do so if conditions are safe. Kindergarten and 1st Grade parents are also welcome to cross with their child if conditions are safe.

8. Kindergarten and 1st Grade Pick-Up Parents will need to pick up their Kindergarten or 1st Grade child from the Kindergarten playground on the north end of the building. This will help to ensure their safety and keep them at a distance from all the vehicles driving by during afternoon pick-up.

9. Two Lanes, Part 2 Once the three (3) lanes end, vehicles will need to safely merge back into two (2) lanes.

10. Parking Lot Entrance (Morning Drop-Off Only) The identified point is the parking lot exit during all times except for morning drop-off. If patrons need to access the building during morning drop-off, they will need to drive along the lane furthest from the building (west-most lane) and enter the parking lot at this identified point.

11. Bus Drop-Off/Pick-Up Our school buses will drop-off and pick-up in this identified area. During drop-off, students will exit the bus and travel along the sidewalk that goes north of the parking lot and loops around to the front of the school building. All students should enter the building through the main entrance doors. During pick-up, students will exit the building, travel along the same sidewalk, and board the bus safely from the sidewalk in the identified area. Vehicles will need to be attentive to buses that are merging when arriving and departing.

12. Exit There is one (1) exit to the school parking lot and drop-off/pick-up lanes. The exit is located off Canyon Road to the west of the school building.

Please see the video below, which captures a summary of most of the above points.


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Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please note the following weekly announcements. STUDENT EDUCATOR PARENT (SEP) CONFERENCES Sign-up for Student Educator Parent (SEP) Conferences! SEPs will be next...
