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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Last modified: January 8, 2025


This year the theme for ProvoREADS is:  ProvoREADS IS OUT OF THIS WORLD!

ProvoREADS is back and ready for another school year. Each year, ProvoREADS chooses an author, book, theme, or genre of literature to highlight for students. This school year the theme is: ProvoREADS IS OUT OF THIS WORLD! We are so excited to launch into different books and explore the universe.

Each student will receive a map/bookmark depending on their grade.

As a student finishes a book, they can fill out their ProvoREADS map/bookmark they will receive prizes along the way. Once their map/bookmark is completed they can put their name into a raffle in hopes of receiving free books. Any student, wanting to earn additional tickets to enter the drawing for free books, can read any of the books labeled EXPLORE SPACE that are from our library. Once finished reading the book just tell Mrs. Naylor and she’ll get you an extra ticket to fill out.

There are no limits when it comes to losing oneself in a good book, and that is what ProvoREADS is all about.

We hope students find adventure in these books and enjoy the places they go within the pages.


