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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians,

Please note the following weekly announcements.   


The following dates in January there is no school.     – January 12th    – January 15th    – January 16th  

Here is the link to our A/B Calendar: A/B Calendar Link  

2. JANUARY PTA MEETING:  PTA will be meeting tomorrow, January 9 at 11:00am in Room 19.   

3. END OF QUARTER 2:  The last day of Quarter 2 is this Thursday, January 11th.   

4. LOST & FOUND:  All items in our lost and found will be donated after school on January 11.   

5. STEM FAIR VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  At Canyon Crest we are very committed to STEM.  We have a large STEM Fair this year and will need the help of our Canyon Crest Community in providing judges for these wonderful projects.  The judging will take place from 9:00-10:15 on January 26th. Judges are provided with a rubric and materials–no experience is required.  We prefer judges who have experience in the STEM fields, but anyone is welcome.  Feel free to invite neighbors or friends to participate.  

If you have any questions about the STEM FAIR or would like to volunteer, please reach out to Heather Blinzinger at  

6. AFTER SCHOOL UPDATES:  Our Kids Who Code class will move to Thursdays this semester to accommodate our instructor’s schedule.  Both the STEM Science classes and Kids Who Code will start next week.  We will have Board Games, Art and Ukulele this week.  Please note that there will be no school this Friday, Jan.12, or Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 15 and 16.  

Information about After School programs and details for each class can be found on our website: Before and After School Programs Link  

If your child has been attending after school classes, there is no need to register them again unless you need to make changes.  Please use this link to register your child in after school programs:   Before and After School Programs Registration Link  

Thank you for your support! Angela Colton,  


Dear Parents,

We need volunteers for Junior Achievement (JA) lessons. Junior Achievement is a nonprofit organization that aims to inspire and prepare young people to succeed in their futures. Their aim is to help bolster the educational and future success of our students by promoting financial capability, work and career readiness, and business ownership. In the process, volunteers serve as role models helping to positively impact young people’s perceptions about critical life skills, as well as the importance of education.

Parent, community, and business volunteers present JA lessons to students and we need your help getting these lessons into our classrooms. Each grade level has its own curriculum of five to six lessons, each lasting 30-45 minutes. Volunteers typically visit the classroom once per week, although some teachers prefer to have the lessons closer together, or even all in the same day. Lessons tend to work around volunteers’ schedules as well as availability of time to set aside in class. Most teachers are very accommodating to volunteer schedules, as they understand the importance and benefits of Junior Achievement  for our children. Junior Achievement provides all lesson materials at no cost to the school, as well as a 30-minute volunteer training. Once all volunteers are signed up and trained they coordinate directly with the teacher to find dates and times to come into the classroom.

To learn more check out these video references: Junior Achievement Video 1 Junior Achievement Video 2

To sign up go to: Junior Achievement Sign up Genius

For questions contact the Junior Achievement coordinator for Canyon Crest, Taneezha Cundick, at

Thanks for your help, Taneezha     If you have any questions, please reach out to our administrative assistant, Sheliah Saluone at   Best,  Canyon Crest   Follow us on Social Media. 

Instagram: @canyoncrest_pta and @principaledwards

Facebook: Canyon Crest Elementary


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