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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians,Please note the following weekly announcements. 

  1. Sick Season Please see the attached flyer from our school nurse about when to keep students home if they are sick.
  2. Culture Showcase Don’t miss our Dia Cultural Showcase on October 13. Students will be displaying what they’ve learned throughout Hispanic Heritage Month. This is open house style and parents/guardians are invited to attend anytime between 12:45pm – 1:50pm in the gym.  
  3. PTA Meeting This month’s PTA meeting will be next Tuesday, October 10 at 11:00am in Room 19. 
  4. Fall Break Fall Break is coming up! It will be October 19th – 24th. 
  5. Parent Teacher Conferences Our first parent teacher conferences of the year will start the day students get back from Fall Break. Conferences will be October 25, 26, and 27. As it gets closer to those days, be on the lookout for the link to sign up.  
  6. Visitor Management System

We are grateful for our visitor management system, which helps to keep our students safe.  Per district policy (see attached), we kindly request all visitors to present a valid government issued form of photo identification, including visitors who are checking their child out early or dropping something off. This will go into full effect starting November 1, 2023. We appreciate your support in ensuring the safety of our students.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our administrative assistant, Sheliah Saluone ( Sheliah Saluone). 

Best,  Canyon Crest

Follow us on Instagram:  @canyoncrest_pta


Facebook: Canyon Crest Elementary


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