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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians. Please note the following announcements about our upcoming Holiday Events. 

HOLIDAY IN THE ROUND PERFORMANCE:  Students have been practicing and preparing songs which they will be performing on Tuesday, December 19th in the school gym. Families are invited to attend. 

Here are some items to note:  The gym doors will remain locked until 9:00am.  The performances will start at 9:30am.  We will be using our quick scan computers for a quicker check in process so visitors 18 years and older please have your valid form of photo identification out and ready to scan when you arrive.  In past years, the kindergarten classes have performed last but this year they will be performing first  If you are unable to attend in person we do have a Zoom link available here: Canyon Crest Holiday Presentation  Here is the performance schedule for Tuesday, December 19:  9:00-9:30: Parents Arrive 9:30-9:37: Kindergarten 9:45-9:52: First Grade 9:55-10:02: Second Grade 10:05-10:12: Third Grade 10:15-10:22: Fourth Grade 10:25-10:32: Fifth Grade 10:35-10:42: Sixth Grade

HOLIDAY CLASS PARTIES: If you are interested in helping with your students’ class party please reach out to their teacher. Class parties will be Wednesday, December 20 from about 12:45pm – 1:45pm. Please have your valid form of photo identification out and ready to scan when you arrive. 

WINTER BREAK: Winter Break is December 21 – January 2. School resumes on January 3.  This Wednesday, December 20 students will be released at 1:50pm. 

DUAL LANGUAGE IMMERSION ENROLLMENT: February 3rd is the end of the early enrollment period in Provo City School District for DLI applications. Parents of incoming 1st grade students applying for the 2023-24 school year are requested to review the policy, the process, and fill out the online application. Applying now provides the best outcome for enrollment selection.

Click the link here: 

STEM FAIR: Reminder to all 4, 5, 6 grade parents that the STEM FAIR is Friday, January We are so excited to see what students have come up with! Reach out to Heather Blinzinger at if you have any questions.

LOST & FOUND:  As you come into Canyon Crest for the Holiday Performance tomorrow and class celebrations on Wednesday, please take a second to look through our lost and found. All items will be donated on January 12. 

REVERE HEALTH SUB FOR SANTA: Revere Health is asking for Sub for Santa Sponsors for 673 families in need. If you are interested in being a sponsor please click here: Sub for Santa Link You can also donate here: United Way Donation Link Thank you.   If you have any questions, please reach out to our administrative assistant, Sheliah Saluone (  


Canyon Crest

Follow us on Social Media. 

Instagram: @canyoncrest_pta and @principaledwards

Facebook: Canyon Crest Elementary


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