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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians,

Please note the following weekly announcements.

1. Picture Day

This Week Picture day is this Thursday, September 21. Please see the attached flyer if you would like to purchase a photo package. 

2. Classroom Donations

Many of our grade levels at this time are planning activities and field trips which are sponsored by parent donations. If you would like to make a donation to your child’s classroom please come to the front office. 

3. Volunteer Opportunity for Hispanic Heritage Month Activities

From our PTA: Join us in honoring the diverse and vibrant cultures of Hispanic Heritage Month with Canyon Crest PTA! From September 18th to October 13th, we are coming together for a month-long celebration.  Here are some opportunities to get involved:

  • Lunch Recess Activities on Wednesdays
  • Setting up for Dia Cultural (Culture Day) on Thursday, October 12
  • Attending Dia Cultural (Culture Day) on Friday, October 13 (afternoon), where our students will present about Hispanic and Latin cultures.

For more information and to get involved, please visit our PTA Cultural Events web page and see the attached flyer.  If you have any questions, please contact Luz Vasquez at 856-986-0624 or via email at

4. District Volunteer Policy

Provo City School District asks that any volunteers be familiar with the Volunteer Policy.  If you plan on volunteering this school year (e.g., field trips, class celebrations, etc.), please read the policy and access the forms at the following links.  Please note: Those on a Volunteer B and C level will need additional forms completed, which the school will work with you on, as needed.  Most volunteers will be on a Volunteer A level.

5. Celebrating Diverse Cultures Throughout the School Year

From our PTA: We want to celebrate a variety of diverse cultures from around the world throughout the school year.  If you are interested in coordinating learning activities, putting together events, and volunteering to support this effort, please contact Luz Vasquez at 856-986-0624 or via email at

If you have any questions, please reach out to our administrative assistant, Sheliah Saluone ( 

Best,  Canyon Crest

Follow us on Instagram:  @canyoncrest_pta


Facebook: Canyon Crest Elementary


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Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please note the following weekly announcements. STUDENT EDUCATOR PARENT (SEP) CONFERENCES Sign-up for Student Educator Parent (SEP) Conferences! SEPs will be next...
