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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians,

Please see the following weekly announcements.

1. PCSD CELL PHONE AND ELECTRONICS POLICY Provo City School District’s Board of Education approved a new cell phone and electronics policy this month – Policy 4200: Fostering Ideal Learning Environments: Electronic Device Restrictions.

Schools across the district will start implementing this policy starting Tuesday, January 7, 2025.

To keep you informed, please see the following language taken directly from the policy:

“Electronic Devices Framework for Elementary Schools:

  • Cell phones, smart watches, headphones and earbuds are not to be seen, heard or used in the school building during school hours. Electronic devices must be stowed away in a backpack, secured by the student and set to a mode where notifications cannot be received. Smart watches must also be set so that notifications cannot be received.
  • If a student needs to communicate with a parent/guardian, they may use their cell phone in either the front office or counseling office with permission. Students are only to contact parents or guardians who may be assisting them with a crisis during the school day.”

The policy states that the consequences for violations include the following:

  • 1st Offense: Student will be provided a container/pouch to lock their device in. At the end of the school day, the student can go to the office to have the container/pouch unlocked.
  • 2nd Offense: The same process as the 1st Offense will follow. The container/pouch will not be unlocked until parents have been contacted and notified of the 2nd offense.
  • 3rd Offense: The same process as the 2nd Offense will follow, except the parent and student will be required to meet with a school administrator to create a cell phone and electronic device contract and plan before the container/pouch is unlocked.

Additional information can be found by reading the policy in full at the following link: PCSD Cell Phone Policy

2. THANKSGIVING BREAK Thanksgiving Break is November 27 – 29. Students return to school after the break on Monday, December 2.  We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday.

3. STEM FAIR INFORMATION Please see the link for STEM Fair information: STEM Fair Information

We are asking all 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students to participate in the STEM Fair. Please note: The first STEM FAIR Sign-Off activity is due tomorrow, Tuesday, November 26. See sign-off activity sheet at the link below.

STEM Fair Sign Off Activities: STEM Fair Sign Off Activities

Additionally, our school’s STEM Fair Coordinator, Ms. Heather Blinzinger, put together a STEM Fair presentation for parents to review. If you are interested in seeing accessing this resource, please see the following link: STEM Fair Resource – Presentation for Parents

4. STEM FAIR JUDGE SIGN-UP The judging portion of our school STEM Fair will be held on Thursday, January 23, 2025 from 2:00pm – 3:30pm and we are looking for people to volunteer to help us judge the students’ projects. If you are interested in being a STEM Fair judge, please sign up at the following link: STEM Fair Judge Sign-Up

5. SUB FOR SANTA Sub For Santa will start Monday, December 2.

6. YEARBOOK COVER CONTEST Please see information about the Yearbook Cover Contest at the following link: Yearbook Cover Contest Information

Entries are due by tomorrow, Tuesday, November 26.

7. UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY BASEBALL CAMP Please see the flyer below for more information. This event is through UVU and not associated with Provo City School District or Canyon Crest Elementary.

UVU Baseball Camp Flyer: UVU Baseball Camp Flyer

Please reach out to Administrative Assistant Sheliah Saluone at for any questions.

Best, Canyon Crest

Follow us on Social Media Instagram: @canyoncrest_cubs and @principaledwards Canyon Crest Google Calendar: School Calendar

Mission: Canyon Crest empowers all students to ignite their potential and demonstrate excellence by activating creativity, maintaining resilience, and exemplifying values of ROAR (respect, ownership, attitude, responsibility).

Vision: Canyon Crest students will have a love of learning; embrace differences and model compassion towards others; and be positive contributors to self, family, local community, and global society.


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