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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians,

Please note the following weekly announcements.

1. FALL BREAK – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS No school for students due to Fall Break – October 17-22. Students will return to school on Wednesday, October 23.

2. RED RIBBON WEEK Red Ribbon Week has been changed to October 23-25. We are excited to teach students the importance of living a healthy, drug-free life through activities including a door decorating contest, dress up days, lunch recess activities, a pledge that students can sign, and more! The theme this school year is Life is a Movie: Film Drug Free. See more information at the following:

Red Ribbon Dress Up Days Wednesday, October 23: Jersey Day – Sports Stars Stay Drug Free Thursday, October 24: Hat Day – Drug Free from Head to Toe Friday, October 25: Crazy Sock Day – Socks to Kick Drugs to the Curb

3. CHOIR CONCERT The Canyon Crest Choir has a concert on Tuesday, October 15 from 6:00pm – 7:00pm in the gym.

4. HALLOWEEN INFORMATION Thursday, October 31 will be our Canyon Crest Halloween celebrations. The Halloween Parade will start at 1:45pm. Parents can observe the parade from the outside perimeter of the school building. The best area to space out and view the parade is on the east side of the building (back of the school).

Classroom Halloween celebrations will be from 2:15pm – 3:15pm (leaving time for clean-up before the day ends). Room parent volunteers, please coordinate with teachers and other parent volunteers on classroom celebration activities.

Please remember that costume masks and weapons (including fakes and replicas) are not permitted. Additionally, students will still be learning on October 31 and costumes must not disrupt the learning environment.

5. SCHOOL COMMUNITY COUNCIL DATE CHANGE Our School Community Council Meeting for the month of October has been changed to Tuesday, October 29 at 3:40pm.

5. YEARBOOK COVER CONTEST Please see information about the Yearbook Cover Contest at the following link:

Entries are due by November 26.

6. LOST & FOUND Our lost and found is full. Please take a moment to look through it when you stop by the school. All lost and found items will be donated soon.

7. PICTURE RETAKE DAY Picture retake day is Tuesday, October 29.

Please reach out to Administrative Assistant Sheliah Saluone at for any questions.

Best, Canyon Crest

Follow us on Social Media Instagram: @canyoncrest_cubs and @principaledwards Canyon Crest Google Calendar:

Mission: Canyon Crest empowers all students to ignite their potential and demonstrate excellence by activating creativity, maintaining resilience, and exemplifying values of ROAR (respect, ownership, attitude, responsibility).

Vision: Canyon Crest students will have a love of learning; embrace differences and model compassion towards others; and be positive contributors to self, family, local community, and global society.


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