April Administration Message
March 28th, 2025
Canyon Crest Parents & Guardians, Can you believe it’s already April? This school year has been truly remarkable, and with just two months left, we are committed to finishing strong with...
Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians,
Please note the following announcements.
Q3 progress reports will be sent home before Spring Break
School Registration for Kindergarten/New students to Provo City School District is a Three Step Process:
You may now do online registration if your child will be Kindergarten age (5 years old on or before September 1). Please let your friends and neighbors know we are now accepting all kindergarten age students even if they are out of boundaries. Please see the following Kindergarten Registration steps:
Here is the link for pre-registration. Click on new student registration and pick a language. Fill out the form and hit submit. If you have any questions please contact the school.
Please contact Tiffany McCloud if you have any questions ( tiffanymc@provo.edu) or call the main office: (801) 221-9873.
We look forward to welcoming your Kindergarten child to Canyon Crest!
NO SCHOOL for Spring Break from Monday April 3 to Friday April 7th. We hope you all enjoy your break and we will see you back at school on Monday April 10th.
Our end of year RISE testing will begin after Spring Break. Students 3 – 6 grade will test Tuesday through Friday. Testing will be from April 10th until May 12th. We ask that you make sure your student(s) get a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast. We also ask that you try not to check your students out during testing.
Tuesday, April 11 @ Provo High
Fun Family Event! Every school, elementary and secondary, in Provo City School District, will have art represented at the District Visual Arts Show. Some of our teachers will be painting, sculpting, and drawing live at the event and an Art Escape Room. Free hands on art activities, and CTE displays, district film festival featuring some elementary film entries. Everything is free, Optional food purchases from the Food Trucks on site. Come experience what Provo does in the creative arts! Check the flyer for all the information.
Our Safety Committee has decided to provide students an in-class assembly about Safe Routes on Friday, April 21. Please see the links below for more information.
For more information visit the Safe Routes Website.
Thank you,
Canyon Crest
Canyon Crest Parents & Guardians, Can you believe it’s already April? This school year has been truly remarkable, and with just two months left, we are committed to finishing strong with...
Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please note the weekly announcements. Stem Night Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 25: Our annual STEM Night is TOMORROW, Tuesday, March 25 from 6:00pm-7:30pm. Please see...
Please see the video announcements from Dr. Edwards for the week of March 24,...