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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians,

Please note the following announcements.

1. RISE Testing

We want to celebrate the learning that has taken place this year. Our students have been making great strides. We will be showing off all of that learning in the next few weeks with RISE Testing. RISE testing has begun. Students 3 – 6 grade will test Tuesday through Friday from April 11th until May 12th. We ask that you make sure your student(s) gets a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast. Testing will be every morning from 9am until 11am. Please make sure your students are on time and ready to test. We also ask that you try not to check your students out during testing.

The schedule for this week is below.

May 1 – May 5 3rd – 6th Math Testing Tuesday 3rd – 6th LA Testing Wednesday & Thursday

2. End of Year Lunch Balances

The end of the school year is rapidly approaching. Please take a moment and check your students lunch account and make sure there is enough money to make it to the end of the year. If there is any money owed, please pay immediately as we cannot have negative balances at the end of the year. We will be serving both breakfast and lunch on the last day of school this year. Money that is left on the students lunch account will be there next year. If a student is moving to Jr. High their lunch balance will follow them. All negative balances need to be paid before the last day of school.

3. Consideration For My Student Forms Due Friday May 5th By NOON

Look for a separate email about these forms on Monday May 1st. They are due back to the school by Friday May 5th by NOON.

4. Kindergarten Registration Still Going On

School Registration for Kindergarten/New students to Provo City School District is a Three Step Process:

You may now do online registration if your child will be Kindergarten age (5 years old on or before September 1).  Please let your friends and neighbors know we are now accepting all kindergarten age students even if they are out of boundaries. Please see the following Kindergarten Registration steps:

Pre-Register: Submit Basic Information

The School Registrar will create a PowerSchool Account and send you an email with registration information.

Login to Powerschool by using the information sent to you in the email from the registrar.After you login, click the Registration Icon identified in the divider bar at the top of the screen or on the left of the screen at the top

Complete registration by following the instructions on each registration screen. Make sure to save the form at the bottom of each page. Upload Documents- you can now upload your docs or bring them into the office

Here is the link for pre-registration. Click on new student registration and pick a language. Fill out the form and hit submit. If you have any questions please contact the school.

Please contact Tiffany McCloud if you have any questions ( or call the main office: (801) 221-9873.

We look forward to welcoming your Kindergarten child to Canyon Crest!

5. El Día de los niños May 5th

This Friday, May 5th we will be celebrating El día de los niños with a barbeque for lunch. The event starts at 11:30 am. Please  see the schedule for lunch on that day. Kindergarten will not be here that week due to end of year testing. Kinder is more than welcome to come and participate; they will just not have a lunch time. They can however go during a sibling’s lunch time to buy a lunch. We will be serving hamburgers, chicken patty or chalupa, chips, carrot sticks, fresh fruit, cookie and milk.If you would like to join your child for lunch, the cost is $4 for anyone not enrolled at Canyon Crest, including preschool children. There is a $2 cost for all students currently enrolled at Canyon Crest. All money will be deposited to your student’s lunch account then used as you come through the lunch line. If you are not able to prepay, please bring the exact change or check as we have very limited amounts of change available. If you bring extra money and we do not have change, we will put it on your students account. We are not set up to accept debit/credit cards. We hope to see you there!

Thank you,

Canyon Crest


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