Weekly Parent Communication 3/13/23 to 3/17/23
Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians,
Please note the following announcements.
1. NO SCHOOL Monday March 13th & 14th
2. Easter Basket Auction Items Sign Up Spots Still Open Due March 16th at NOON
The Provo City School District Foundation holds a yearly auction to raise funds to help the district provide academic support in extended-day programs for our students. These programs include summer school, after school programs, and all day kindergarten to name a few.
We are looking now to put a few baskets together for the auction. Most items on the list are less than $10 each. Please help us put together a few baskets to show Canyon Crests support at the auction. Review the slots below and see if you can help with any of the items. We are trying to put together 4 baskets… Ice Cream Lovers, Date night, Breakfast Lovers and Family Game Night. Please have them to the school by NOON on March 16th. Click the link below to sign up for an item.
3. STEM Night March 21st 6:00 to 7:30pm
STEM Night is next week on March 21st from 6pm to 7:30pm. We are having lots of different presenters this year. We will be having sign ups go out again for food science, shrinking chip bags and space missions. Look for the sign ups at the end of this week. There will be limited spaces so don’t miss out. We have close to 30 presenters coming that night. It is going to be such a fun family night. We hope to see you all there!

4. Yearbook Sales Going On Now Deadline March 20th
Order your yearbooks today! Use Canyon Crest ES Prepay Code: CanyonCrest YB23 to order yearbooks online.
Don’t forget to order your student(s) yearbook by Monday March 20th.
5. Spring Pictures March 23rd
Picture Day is Coming Soon! Canyon Crest ES Thursday, March 23, 2023 Prepay Code: Canyoncrestspring23.
We are using online orders for Spring Pictures. We will however have some packets available in the office. Make sure you tell your student if they will be having their picture taken that day.
6. Kindergarten Registration Has Begun
School Registration for Kindergarten/New students to Provo City School District is a Three Step Process:
You may now do online registration if your child will be Kindergarten age (5 years old on or before September 1). Please see the following Kindergarten Registration steps:
1. Pre-Register: Submit Basic Information
The School Registrar will create a PowerSchool Account and send you an email with registration information.
2. Login to Powerschool by using the information sent to you in the email from the registrar.
After you login, click the Registration Icon identified in the divider bar at the top of the screen or on the left of the screen at the top
3. Complete registration by following the instructions on each registration screen. Make sure to save the form at the bottom of each page.
4. Upload Documents- you can now upload your docs or bring them into the office
Here is the link for pre-registration. Click on new student registration and pick a language. Fill out the form and hit submit. If you have any questions please contact the school.
Please contact Tiffany McCloud if you have any questions ( tiffanymc@provo.edu) or call the main office: (801) 221-9873.
We look forward to welcoming your Kindergarten child to Canyon Crest!
7. Crossing Guard Link – Open Position
The city is still looking for a crossing guard for the 4380 N Canyon Rd stop. If you are interested please click on the link below to apply.
Thank you,
Canyon Crest