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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians,

Please note the following announcements.

1. End of Year Lunch Balances

The end of the school year is rapidly approaching. Please take a moment and check your students lunch account and make sure there is enough money to make it to the end of the year. If there is any money owed, please pay immediately as we cannot have negative balances at the end of the year.

We will be serving both breakfast and lunch on the last day of school this year. Money that is left on the students lunch account will be there next year. If a student is moving to Jr. High their lunch balance will follow them. All negative balances need to be paid before the last day of school.

2. Library Books Need to Be Returned ASAP

The end of the year is here and we need to collect all of the library books that have been checked out. Please check with your students and make sure they have turned in all of their library books. We are starting inventory and need them all back. Thank you!

3. Full Day Kindergarten

Provo City School District is proud to announce the introduction of full-day kindergarten programs in all our schools starting next academic year. 

“Utah kids in full-day kindergarten regularly perform 2 to 4 times better than their half-day kindergarten peers in basic kindergarten proficiencies literacy and numeracy… It is a time-tested, evidence-based, early learning practice that can give children from all backgrounds a strong and equitable start in school.” – Utah State Board of Education (USBE) 

Full-day kindergarten is the automatic enrollment option; all students still have the option for half-day kindergarten if indicated during the registration process.

Read the article for more information at

4. Kindergarten Registration Still Going On

School Registration for Kindergarten/New students to Provo City School District is a

Three Step Process:

You may now do online registration if your child will be Kindergarten age (5 years old on or before September 1). Please let your friends and neighbors know we are now accepting all kindergarten age students even if they are out of boundaries. Please see the following Kindergarten Registration steps:

Pre-Register: Submit Basic InformationThe School Registrar will create a PowerSchool Account and send you an email with registration information.

Login to Powerschool by using the information sent to you in the email from the registrar.After you login, click the Registration Icon identified in the divider bar at the top of the screen or on the left of the screen at the top

Complete registration by following the instructions on each registration screen. Make sure to save the form at the bottom of each page.

Upload Documents- you can now upload your docs or bring them into the office

Here is the link for pre-registration. Click on new student registration and pick a language. Fill out the form and hit submit. If you have any questions please contact the school.

Please contact Tiffany McCloud if you have any questions ( or call the main office: (801) 221-9873.

We look forward to welcoming your Kindergarten child to Canyon Crest!

5. Extra Yearbooks for Sale

We have a limited amount of yearbooks for sale. They are first come first serve. They are $35. You can pay with a check or cash to the office. Please make checks payable to Canyon Crest PTA. If you purchase a yearbook for your student we take it and put it with their teachers pile & we will make sure they get it on the day we hand out yearbooks. Yearbooks will be handed out the last week of school.

We also have 31 of Last Year’s Yearbooks 2021-2022 for $10 each. If you have any questions please call the school.

6. Upcoming Events

  • May 17th 5th Grade Wax Museum 10am until 11am
  • May 18th 3rd Grade Field Trip To Provo Rec 9:30am until 1:30pm
  • May 18th After School Drama Performance 6pm to 7pm Students – Call time is 5pm
  • May 19th Last ROAR Assembly
  • May 19th Last Day of Specialty Classes
  • May 22nd BYU Traditionz Assembly End of Day
  • May 23rd 2nd Grade Field Trip Classic Skating 9am to 11am
  • May 23rd Kindergarten Graduation 11am
  • May 24th 6th Grade Graduation 10am
  • May 24th 4th Grade Talent Show Afternoon
  • May 25th Field Day K-2 morning 3-5 afternoon
  • May 25th 6th Grade Field Day at Provo Rec Center 9:30am to 1:30pm
  • May 26th End of 4th Term Standard Reports Sent Home
  • May 26th Last Day of School. School gets out at 1:50pm

Thank you,

Canyon Crest


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