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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Yearbook Contest! – Design the 2024-2025 Yearbook Cover

-Due by November 26th, 2024

-Design artwork to be featured on the cover of the yearbook!

-Winner(s) will receive a FREE Yearbook

-There can be up to two winners this year!

-Entries can be turned in to Ms. Lee (art specialty teacher) or the front office

-Your design can include front and back covers on separate sheets of paper OR one piece of artwork for either front or back

-Be careful to include any writing or important designs in the measurements below:

Portrait position

  • Front Cover Live Area 7.5” Width x 10” Height
  • Back Cover Live Area 7.5” Width x 10” Height

(Or use regular sized white printer paper and leave a 1 inch margin blank around the edges.)

-Designs can take up an entire page but anything past the measurements above may be cut off

-If you’d like your art to be considered for the front cover try to include:

  • Canyon Crest OR Canyon Crest Elementary
  • 2024-2025 OR ’24-’25

-No pencil drawings, use rich colors with thick lines

-Computer generated art is also accepted!

-If using crayons light shading will not show up when printing

-Sign your artwork!!

-Put your name somewhere on your art.

-You may also include our school theme “Be Your Best You” but it is not required

-We are so excited to see everyone’s entries this year!

-Winner will be announced by December 6th

-Tips For Creating A Picture-Perfect Original Design Cover

  • Rich Colors: The more color depth and contrast in your artwork, the better your cover will reproduce. Subtle colors may lose some detail in the printing process. Certain solid ink colors, such as navy, black and forest green, do not work well when placed next to each other.
  • Full-size Images: Images that have been reduced by photocopying or with photo-editing software will not always reproduce well. For best results, always use full-size artwork that is at least 300 dpi.
  • Layered Items: Photos or other artwork pieces that are stacked too high on the Cover Layout Board will cause certain images to be out of focus and reduce the quality of the final printed cover. We recommend no more than one layer of photos and three layers of artwork.
  • Thick Lines: For best results, be sure that outlines are thick. Thin outlines created with pencil will not reproduce completely. DO NOT use a pencil to design your artwork.
  • Careful with Crayons: If using crayons, be sure the color is crisp and not too subtle. Light shading with crayons may not reproduce—this is especially true with light blues, greens, and yellows.
  • Metallic: Glitter and metallic foils do not reproduce well when printed. These materials often appear black with little hint of color. Fluorescent inks will not reproduce well and should be avoided.
  • Computer-generated Art: If you are submitting artwork that has been created on a computer, be sure image resolution is at least 300 dpi and that line art has a resolution of at least 500 dpi.
  • Construction Paper: Construction paper does not reproduce well.

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