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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

We’ve all been there before, we are hungry, but we don’t know what we want to eat. By checking the school breakfast and lunch calendars, your child can know if the school meals are what they will want to eat each day, or if they are going to want to eat breakfast at home or pack a home lunch. It’s a good idea to check both calendars so you will know the options for both meals that are being offered at the school.

Breakfast Menu

Lunch Menu

Todos hemos estado allí antes, tenemos hambre, pero no sabemos lo que queremos comer. Al revisar los calendarios de desayunos y almuerzos de la escuela, su hijo puede saber si las comidas de la escuela son lo que querrán comer todos los días, o si querrán desayunar en casa o preparar un almuerzo en casa. Es una buena idea revisar ambos calendarios para conocer las opciones para ambas comidas que se ofrecen en la escuela.

Menu de Desayuno

Menu del Almuerzo


Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please see the following message from our PTA about Fall Festival. 1. Fall Festival Time Adjustment We have made an adjustment to the start and end time of Fall...

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please note the following weekly announcements. 1. SCHOOL PICTURE DAY School picture day is Tuesday, September 24. For more information, go to the following link:...

Congratulations to our September ROAR Students of the...
