Weekly Parent Communication 1/30/23 to 2/3/23
CC Parents/Guardians,
Please see the following announcements:
1. Weather Conditions/Prepared for Weather Outside Recess
With this week continuing to be very cold weather conditions, please plan ahead. Make sure your student is prepared for the weather. Make sure they have everything they will need to be outside for recess. We will send the students out if it is above 20 degrees outside. If they need gloves, hats, coats, snow boots, etc, please make sure they bring it with them to school to keep them warm outside if we do go out. If you have any questions please contact the school.
2. After School Programs
Here is the latest on our After School programs: 1) Our STEM Science instructor will be switching to Art starting Monday, Jan. 30. As a result we are now on the search for a new STEM Science teacher. You can now choose to attend Art on Monday or Wednesday. 2) We had to change Kids Who Code to Wednesdays to accommodate our instructor’s schedule. 3) The good news is that we will have a new Drama class on Tuesdays, starting Feb. 7. 4). We will also have a morning sports class for grades K-3 on Mondays and grades 4-6 on Wednesdays. If you have any questions please contact Angela Colton at angelac@provo.edu.
Please go to our After School website to see all the details and to register for classes.
3. Ski School
Ski School this Friday February 3rd(Last one). Please drop off your students’ equipment to the gym Friday morning BEFORE school. Students will get ready in the gym after they eat lunch. Students will get ready between 12 -12:30 pm in the gym. 2nd, 4th & 5th grade students will have lunch at 11:50 am and then get ready after they eat. We will load the buses at 12:30 pm. Leave the school no later than 12:45 pm. Lessons start at 1:30 pm and finish at 4 pm. Kids will have free skiing for 20 minutes. We will load buses and leave at 4:40pm and be back to school at 5:00pm. Students will need to take all belongings with them on the bus because they will not have access to the school when they get back.
4. Parent Teacher Conferences/SEP Conferences
We will be having parents teacher conferences Wednesday Feb 1, Thursday Feb 2, and Friday Feb 3. These days will be early out days. Wednesday Feb 1 & Thursday Feb 2 will be at 1:30 pm and Friday Feb 3 will be 1:50 pm. The sign ups for SEP Conferences went out this Thursday January 26th. If you have not signed up yet, please click on the link below.
Please remember not to leave your students at the school to wait for their conference. They need to go home their normal way bus or pick up and then come back for conferences. We have 30 minutes between students getting out and conferences starting on Wednesday & Thursday. Friday is 20 minutes. Contact the school with questions or if you need help signing up.
5. February Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Below are the links to breakfast and lunch menus for February.
6. Crossing Guard at 4380 N Canyon Rd
The Provo Police Department is helping us to fill this open crossing guard position at 4380 N Canyon Rd. If you are or someone you know is interested in this position please click on the link below to look at the application process.
Thank you, Canyon Crest