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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

CC Parents/Guardians,

1. 6th Grade Band/Orchestra Concert

All sixth graders who are part of the 6th grade band or orchestra will have a concert in the Timpview Thunder Dome on Tuesday, February 7th.  The concert for the band is at 5:30 p.m. and the orchestra concert will be at 7:30 p.m.  **Band students need to arrive at 4:30 p.m., and orchestra students arrive at 6:30 p.m.

2. Book Fair Coming Up

Mark your calendars!! Our next book fair will be Feb 27th – March 2nd. Book fair will also have parents and pastries on Tuesday morning and our Grand Event will be Thursday March 2nd after school. Look for more information to come the closer we get.

3. Cultural Day Friday Feb 10th

Cultural Day will be Friday Feb 10th. All students will be participating in this fun day! They will travel to different countries in the gym. We are so excited for this event!!

4. Parent Teacher Conferences

We would like to thank everyone who attended Parent Teacher Conferences last week. If you did not get a chance to come in and visit with your students’ teacher please reach out to them as soon as possible to set up a time to come in to visit with them about your students progress.

5. Crossing Guard at 4380 N Canyon Rd

The Provo Police Department is helping us to fill this open crossing guard position at 4380 N Canyon Rd. If you are or someone you know is interested in this position please click on the link below to look at the application process.

6. Weather Conditions/Prepared for Weather Outside Recess

With this week continuing to be cold/snowy weather conditions, please plan ahead. Make sure your student is prepared for the weather. Make sure they have everything they will need to be outside for recess. We will send the students out if it is above 20 degrees outside. If they need gloves, hats, coats, snow boots, etc, please make sure they bring it with them to school to keep them warm/dry outside. If you have any questions please contact the school.


On Friday, September 27, all students (Kindergarten through 6th Grade) received instruction on safe online habits and how to be responsible stewards of the technology they have access to through an...

Students in 4th grade built rockets and launched them for a STEM learning activity!  Check out a highlight video...

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please see the following message from our PTA about Fall Festival. 1. Fall Festival Time Adjustment We have made an adjustment to the start and end time of Fall...
