Last modified: February 24, 2025
School Improvement Plan
School Improvement Status
- Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI): No
- Additional Targeted Support & Improvement (ATSI): No
- Comprehensive Support Improvement (CSI): No
Strategic Plan Priority 1: Academic Achievement
Goal 1
- By May 2025, Canyon Crest students will increase proficiency by at least 3% according to the RISE ELA assessment.
- Sub-Goal 1: By May 2025, Canyon Crest students who have disabilities will increase proficiency to at least 50% according to the RISE ELA assessment.
- Sub-Goal 2: By May 2025, Canyon Crest students who are multilingual learners will increase proficiency to at least 50% according to the RISE ELA assessment.
- Sub-Goal 3: By May 2025, Canyon Crest students who are economically disadvantaged will increase proficiency to at least 50% according to the RISE ELA assessment.
Action Steps:
- At least 85% of students scoring benchmark and above on Acadience Reading end-of-year assessment.
- Teachers will honor district pacing guides and provide tier 1 instruction using curricular resources such as 95% and Wonders with fidelity.
- Provide teachers with Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) Bridge to Practice professional development.
- Ensure teachers have access to reading assessment data for robust collaboration during professional learning community (PLC) meetings.
- Teachers will progress monitor student growth between benchmark assessments.
- Provide professional development on setting Pathways of Progress and time for setting student goals.
- Provide students with access to tiered intervention support tailored to each student’s needs.
- Provide supplemental curricular resources such as Lexia and Reading Plus.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 1 – Tier I
- Subject/Other Info: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- At least 80% of students scoring typical growth and above according to Acadience Reading Pathways of Progress end-of-year assessment.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 1 – Tier I
- Subject/Other Info: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- All students will receive universal tier 1 English language arts instruction, including students with disabilities (SWD) and multilingual learners (MLs).
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 1 – Tier I
- Subject/Other Info: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Students will receive tier 2-3 English language arts intervention/enrichment services based on individual student needs.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 2 – Tier II/III
- Subject/Other Info: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Expenditures:
- Supervisor of Reading Interventionists – Cost: $27,385.29 | Funding Source: Landtrust | Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Reading Interventionist – Cost: $29,936.44 | Funding Source: Landtrust | Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Reading Lab Specialist – Cost: $22,170.12 | Funding Source: TSSA | Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- The English language arts intervention team will meet at least twice per month to analyze data and make informed decisions.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 3 – PD
- Subject/Other Info: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Teachers will receive professional development on curricular resources at least quarterly for English language arts.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 3 – PD
- Subject/Other Info: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- PLC teams will review English language arts student progress regularly for the purpose of adjusting instruction as needed.
- Includes review of Acadience, Wonders, Lexia, Reading Plus, etc.
- PLC protocol will be updated to include prompts for teachers to analyze data from various assessment platforms.
- Teachers will receive professional development on how to adjust instruction based on data analysis.
- Administrators will attend PLC meetings to provide support with data analysis conversations.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 2 – Tier II/III
- Subject/Other Info: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Expenditure: Reading Plus Program
- Cost: $9,000.00 | Funding Source: General | Expenditure: Supplies
- Teachers will set Pathways of Progress goals for students and monitor their progress.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 3 – PD
- Subject/Other Info: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Parents will be informed of their child’s English language arts progress at least quarterly with standards reports.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 1 – Tier I
- Subject/Other Info: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Administrators and the instructional coach will support ELA goals, including PLC work, through various strategies.
- Maintaining and distributing data (proficiency and growth) for RISE, Acadience Reading, and Lexia.
- Attending PLC meetings and making comments every week on the school’s PLC protocol.
- Providing professional development on how to analyze data for informed decision making.
- Providing professional development on supplemental programs such as Reading Plus.
- Providing additional time for PLC grade level teams to develop essential standards, common learning intentions, and success criteria.
- Developing and calendaring common formative assessments and analysis of common formative assessment data.
- Creating and maintaining a supportive master schedule that prioritizes tier 1 instruction and intervention blocks.
- Creating testing and progress monitoring calendars and schedules.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 3 – PD
- Subject/Other Info: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- At least 85% of students scoring on-level and above on Into Math Growth Measure assessment.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 1 – Tier I
- Subject/Other Info: Mathematics
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- At least 20% of students who scored well below/below proficiency at beginning-of-year will score end-of-year at/above proficiency according to the Acadience Math assessment.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 2 – Tier II/III
- Subject/Other Info: Mathematics
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- All students will receive universal tier 1 math instruction, including students with disabilities (SWD) and multilingual learners (MLs).
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 1 – Tier I
- Subject/Other Info: Mathematics
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Students will receive tier 2-3 math intervention/enrichment services based on individual student need.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 2 – Tier II/III
- Subject/Other Info: Mathematics
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Expenditures:
- Supervisor of Math Interventionists – Cost: $21,979.22 Funding Source: TSSA Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Math Lab Specialist – Cost: $23,795.63 Funding Source: Landtrust Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- The math intervention team will meet at least twice per month to analyze data and make informed decisions.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 3 – PD
- Subject/Other Info: Mathematics
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Teachers will receive professional development on curricular resources at least quarterly for math.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 3 – PD
- Subject/Other Info: Mathematics
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- PLC teams will review math student progress regularly (e.g., Acadience, Into Math, IXL, etc.).
- To support PLC teams with analyzing student progress, our PLC protocol will be updated to include prompts for teachers to analyze data from various assessment platforms.
- Teachers will receive professional development on how to adjust instruction based on an analysis of data.
- Administrators will attend PLC meetings to provide support with data analysis conversations.
- Expenditure: IXL Program – Cost: $5,000.00 Funding Source: General Expenditure: Supplies
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 2 – Tier II/III
- Subject/Other Info: Mathematics
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Parents will be informed of their child’s math progress at least quarterly with standards reports.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 1 – Tier I
- Subject/Other Info: Mathematics
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Administrators and the instructional coach will support math goals, including PLC work, through various strategies.
- Maintaining and distributing data (proficiency and growth) for RISE, Acadience Math, and Into Math.
- Attending PLC meetings and making comments every week on the school’s PLC protocol.
- Providing professional development on how to analyze data for informed decision making.
- Providing professional development on supplemental programs such as IXL.
- Providing additional time for PLC grade level teams to develop essential standards, common learning intentions, and success criteria.
- Developing and calendaring common formative assessments and analysis of common formative assessment data.
- Creating and maintaining a supportive master schedule that prioritizes tier 1 instruction and intervention blocks.
- Creating testing and progress monitoring calendars and schedules.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 3 – PD
- Subject/Other Info: Mathematics
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- At least 80% of ML students will meet their personal growth goal according to the ACCESS assessment.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 1 – Tier I
- Subject/Other Info: Multilingual Learners (ML)
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Teachers will receive monthly ML professional development.
- Topics include: Instructional strategies that support ML students, Can-Do Indicators, data analysis, and collaboration opportunities.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 3 – PD
- Subject/Other Info: Multilingual Learners (ML)
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $1,000.00
- Funding Source: EARS 5364 (ML Only)
- Expenditure: Supplies
- ML students will receive targeted language intervention services based on current levels and need.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 2 – Tier II/III
- Subject/Other Info: Multilingual Learners (ML)
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Expenditure: ML Interventionist (part-time, splits with other duties)
- Cost: $10,470.83
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Teachers will be reminded of their ML students through the school’s PLC protocol process.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 3 – PD
- Subject/Other Info: Multilingual Learners (ML)
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- ML students’ parents will be informed of their child’s English development progress at least quarterly.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 1 – Tier I
- Subject/Other Info: Multilingual Learners (ML)
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Students with disabilities will have individualized goals based on present levels of academic achievement and functional performance and individualized education program (IEP) team input.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 2 – Tier II/III
- Subject/Other Info: Students with Disabilities (SWD)
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Students with disabilities will participate in tier 1 core instruction in the general education classroom to the greatest extent possible.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 1 – Tier I
- Subject/Other Info: Students with Disabilities (SWD)
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Teachers will provide students with disabilities the accommodations necessary to access the curriculum as determined by the IEP team.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 2 – Tier II/III
- Subject/Other Info: Students with Disabilities (SWD)
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Teachers will be reminded of their students with disabilities through the school’s PLC protocol process.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 3 – PD
- Subject/Other Info: Students with Disabilities (SWD)
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Parents of students with disabilities will be informed of their child’s progress on IEP goals at least quarterly.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase proficiency
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 1 – Tier I
- Subject/Other Info: Students with Disabilities (SWD)
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
Strategic Plan Priority 1: Academic Achievement
Goal 2
- By May 2025, Canyon Crest students will increase proficiency by at least 5% according to the RISE Math assessment.
- Sub-Goal 1: By May 2025, Canyon Crest students who have disabilities will increase proficiency to at least 50% according to the RISE Math assessment.
- Sub-Goal 2: By May 2025, Canyon Crest students who are multilingual learners will maintain proficiency of at least 50% according to the RISE Math assessment.
- Sub-Goal 3: By May 2025, Canyon Crest students who are economically disadvantaged will increase proficiency to at least 50% according to the RISE Math assessment.
- Students will receive weekly training and lessons on ROAR principles.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P2 Wellness & Safety: G2 Reduce Behaviors
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P2: G2 Strategy 2 – PBIS system
- Subject/Other Info: PBIS
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- The school will update the ROAR framework as needed and have the ROAR framework visible in all classrooms and hallways.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P2 Wellness & Safety: G2 Reduce Behaviors
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P2: G2 Strategy 2 – PBIS system
- Subject/Other Info: PBIS
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- The school will continue to embed ROAR into schoolwide culture through weekly assemblies, Student of the Month awards, and class certificate recognitions.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P2 Wellness & Safety: G2 Reduce Behaviors
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P2: G2 Strategy 2 – PBIS system
- Subject/Other Info: PBIS
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Teachers will implement their own classroom behavior management system that supports ROAR behavior.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P2 Wellness & Safety: G2 Reduce Behaviors
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P2: G2 Strategy 2 – PBIS system
- Subject/Other Info: PBIS
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: No specific cost associated with action item
- Students will receive ROAR rewards for demonstrating positive ROAR behaviors.
- Examples: ROAR cards, small prizes for weekly ROAR card winners, lunch with the principal for ROAR Students of the Month.
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P2 Wellness & Safety: G2 Reduce Behaviors
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P2: G2 Strategy 2 – PBIS system
- Subject/Other Info: PBIS
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $6,000.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
Strategic Plan Priority 3: Stewardship of Resources
Fund Allocation Overview
- 0060 – 85% of Initial Allocation
- Allocation: $148,453.00
- Total in Plan: $30,470.83
- Remaining to Budget: $117,982.17
- TSSA – 85% of Initial Allocation
- Allocation: $93,982.00
- Total in Plan: $44,149.34
- Remaining to Budget: $49,832.66
- Landtrust – 100%
- Allocation: $78,039.00
- Total in Plan: $81,117.36
- Remaining to Budget: -$3,078.36
- EARS 5364 (ML Only)
- Allocation: $1,000.00
- Total in Plan: $1,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: $0.00
- Allocation: $0.00
- Total in Plan: $0.00
- Remaining to Budget: $0.00
- Teacher Quality
- Allocation: $0.00
- Total in Plan: $0.00
- Remaining to Budget: $0.00
Measurement of Goals & Stakeholder Involvement
Measurement of Academic Goals
- Acadience Reading BOY, MOY, and EOY scores
- Acadience Reading Pathways of Progress data
- Acadience Reading Progress Monitoring data
- LEXIA Reading proficiency and growth reports
- Reading Plus proficiency and growth reports
- Wonders unit assessments
- Reading RISE assessment scores
- Acadience Math BOY, MOY, and EOY scores (proficiency and growth reports)
- Into Math BOY, MOY, and EOY scores (proficiency and growth reports)
- IXL proficiency and growth reports
- Math RISE assessment scores
- ACCESS assessment scores for ML students
Note: Assessment and instruction are not separate, competitive forces. Rather, they support one another, as we cannot maximize the impact of instruction without quality and robust assessment. Teachers are expected to constantly use formative assessment data to make informed decisions. Some formative assessment strategies that may be used include (but are not limited to) all-student response systems, proximity, pair-share, and progress towards the daily learning intention’s success criteria.
Measurement of Behavioral & School Climate Goals
- ROAR behavior assessment (generated by the School Leadership Team) – describing at least one example of what ROAR behavior looks like in various school settings (classroom, hallway, bathroom, cafeteria, playground)
- Office discipline referrals and minor incidents documented in Educators Handbook
- ROAR card data collection
- Teachers providing weekly ROAR lessons to students
- Panorama School Climate Survey
Use of Additional Funds
- Leftover and rollover funds will be used for:
- Instructional assistants (to support the academic goal)
- Professional development (related to the academic goal)
- Teacher preparation and PLC planning beyond typical contract hours (related to the academic goal)
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Internet safety/media literacy
- Note: For PBIS and internet safety/media literacy, no more than $7,000 will be spent.
Communication of Progress
- Stakeholders, including the School Community Council, will be provided updates on progress after each assessment window (BOY, MOY, EOY).
Stakeholder Involvement
- Stakeholders, including the School Community Council:
- Analyzed BOY and MOY data
- Identified the greatest academic needs
- Made recommendations and decisions about the expenditures of Land Trust funds for supporting goals
- Helped create the school improvement plan
Names & Roles of Contributors
- Sean Edwards – Principal
- Deanna Lee – Facilitator
- School Community Council Members:
- Kate Patterson – Parent
- Nelson Pace – Parent
- Shane Wright – Parent
- Cindy Drummond – Parent
- Ian Miller – Parent
- Brooke Macdonald – Parent
- John Lundell – Teacher
- Seralina McCormick-Danielson – Teacher (SCC & School Leadership Team)
- School Leadership Team Members:
- Peggy McLeod – Teacher
- Kylie Hortin – Teacher
- Daniela Nuila – Teacher
- Connie Stone – Teacher
- Heather Blinzinger – Teacher
- Paula Ward – Teacher
- Rodney Egan – Teacher
- Jessica Heaton – Teacher