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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians,

Please see the following weekly announcements.

1. BIKE TO SCHOOL WEEK From our PTA: This week is Bike, Walk and Roll to School Week!

Use cub power to get to school! There will be prizes and activities every day. Stop at the bike racks every day for entry into a raffle. (If students or staff members live too far away, they can arrange to meet at friends’ houses for shorter commutes.)

See more information at the following link:

2. VISION SCREENING As a reminder, our vision screenings will be tomorrow, Tuesday, September 10. You can find more information on our school website at the following link:

3. INTERNET SAFETY LESSON Over the next few weeks, students will be receiving internet safety instruction. This has been sponsored by our School Community Council. Learn more about our internet safety lesson provider Net Positive at the following link:

4. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT FOOD IN CLASSROOMS (e.g., CELEBRATIONS, MARKET DAY, ETC.) Provo City School District Policy 3401 Wellness states the following, “Parents are encouraged to provide healthy food options or non-food items to students for birthdays, celebrations, or parties.

In accordance with Utah County Food Code (3-201.11 Compliance with Food Law), homemade or home packaged foods may not be served or sold at school. All foods served or sold at school outside of the school meal programs must be commercially prepared and packaged.”

You can read the full policy at the following link:

5. WHITE RIBBON WEEK (INTERNET SAFETY) From our PTA: Please see the sign-up link below if you are interested in volunteering for White Ribbon Week (Internet Safety) which is September 23 – 27.

6. HEARING SCREENING As a reminder, our hearing screenings will be on Thursday, September 19. You can find more information on our school website at the following link:

7. SCHOOL PICTURE DAY School picture day is Tuesday, September 24. For more information, go to the following link: Prepay code: CanyonCrestES24

8. AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS Information about before/after school programs can be found at the following link:

Please reach out to Administrative Assistant Sheliah Saluone at for any questions.

Best, Canyon Crest

Follow us on Social Media Instagram: @canyoncrest_pta and @principaledwards Facebook: Canyon Crest Elementary Canyon Crest Google Calendar:

Mission: Canyon Crest empowers all students to ignite their potential and demonstrate excellence by activating creativity, maintaining resilience, and exemplifying values of ROAR (respect, ownership, attitude, responsibility).

Vision: Canyon Crest students will have a love of learning; embrace differences and model compassion towards others; and be positive contributors to self, family, local community, and global society.


There is still time to register your 5th-grade student for a fun-filled week at Camp Big Springs!  Registration for 5th grade Camp Big Springs has been extend and will now close on Friday, March 14,...

Canyon Crest Parents/Guardians, Please note the weekly announcements. Book Fair Information: This week is our school book fair! Please see the link for more information and about the book fair...

Please see the video announcements from Dr. Edwards for the week of March 3,...
