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Provo City School District

Canyon Crest Elementary School

Hello Canyon Crest Families!

It’s hard to believe we’ve turned the corner from summer to autumn. What a beautiful time of year it has been! The reds, oranges, and gold colors remind me of what is yet to come . . . the festive time of year! Amidst the challenges of 2020, we still have the promise of holiday cheer and the excitement of child anticipation. I often view October as the gateway to the thrilling season of ghosts, witches, and jack-o-lanterns; then leading us in to the warmth of Thanksgiving, and on into the happiness of the Giving Season. We have much to be grateful for!

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting an outside Halloween Parade on Thursday, October 29th  at 1:00 pm. Students are invited to wear their costumes and parents may park in the parking spaces on the west and south parking lots of the school to view the procession. If necessary, we will open the playground blacktop for parking, and parents may sit as families on the playground if they would like. Due to CoVid restrictions, we please ask that parents do not come into the school to help students get dressed, or for class parties. We will also be maintaining distancing regulations as per the Health Department and the wearing of facemasks. As expected, things will be a bit different this year but we are determined to have as much fun and keep our school routine as “normal” as possible while maintaining safe conditions for our students, staff, and community. We will also be LiveStreaming students as they march through the gym and back to their classes so they can see classmates, siblings, etc. from their classrooms, and parents can watch from home. This will be recorded and put on our website so students and parents can view later. As for our Halloween class parties, Room Parents can still assist by providing “Parties-in-a-Box” and dropping the boxes off in the main office. Again we will be limiting as many people as possible in the building, and ask that parents do not visit classroom parties this year. More information will be coming about the parade and “Party-in-a-Box” opportunities if you would like to participate in this way.

SEPs will be held primarily via Zoom sessions this year on November 4th through 6th. Please plan on attending a session with your child’s teacher. A schedule will be available for sign-ups in the near future. If you would like a face-to-face conference with the teacher, please touch bases with them. Distancing procedures will be in place, and all who enter the school building must check in and wear a mask. We look forward to sharing your child’s progress with you and working with you as a team to help every student have a successful school year.

Thank you again, Families, for your diligence, understanding, and support during this unusual school year. I must say that our students are the HEROES. They come day after day, wearing their masks, and adhering to the many new safety guidelines we are practicing. I rarely hear a complaint from either student or staff member. It’s generally “business as usual”, with a bit more urgency to make up for lost time. The dedication of both students and educators can often bring me to tears of gratitude, and the resiliency in adjusting to new things here is uncanny. I am so proud and grateful to our community for working to keep us all safe and able to attend school. Please know how appreciative we are as educators and staff.

Enjoy these precious days as we enter into this special Season. We hope it is able to lift spirits and bring cheer to each of our Canyon Crest families this year. We love all of you!


Rene Cunningham, Principal


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