May Principal’s Message
May 16th, 2022
May Principal’s Message As the 2021-22 school year is winding down, I want to first thank our wonderful Canyon Crest staff for their devotion and perseverance in teaching the children of this...
Good tidings, Canyon Crest Families! We are well into the excitement and festivities of the Season! With only fifteen school days in the month of December, our days are numbered and filled to the brim before the break. Among the celebrations, students continue learning to achieve grade level benchmark progress or better throughout the month. We appreciate our hard working students, teachers, and support teams! They are our STARS!
There are some events you won’t want to miss, and dates you will want to put on your December calendars. December 11th at 6:00 pm will be our Choir Concert in the gym. December 19th at 9:30 am parents can join our grade level carolers for the Parent Christmas Sing-a-long. A list of times each grade level will be performing will be sent out prior to the event.
Our November perfect attendance was down a bit from our previous months, I’m sure due to Halloween hangovers and the flu season. But we celebrate our 116 students who achieved 100% attendance last month! December only has 15 school days, so let’s give it a great effort to have as many students as possible have a shining attendance record for the month!
Our teachers are modeling ‘growth mindsets’ and have been attending trainings to continually improve their practices. Last month teachers and staff attended STEM training, Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) training, and Dyad Reading strategies training. I commend these ‘treemendous’ teachers for their commitment and dedication to students.
Our Space Lab is making good progress. We will be having mission opportunities for teachers and parents as we practice for our students. Be watching for parent mission sign-ups in the near future. We thank our wonderful parents who have been working on the aesthetics of the Space Lab. It’s certainly taking shape, and will be joyous when it is completed!
To encourage students to read during the holiday break, we are sending out the Principal’s Holiday Reading Challenge. A copy will be sent home and will also be accessible on the website. Please suggest to your child that they read books they are interested in and love. We want this to be a fun and enjoyable reading experience for them. When you have a minute, ask them to share with you what they are reading!
We wish each Canyon Crest family a season of peace and joy. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!
Rene Cunningham, Principal
May Principal’s Message As the 2021-22 school year is winding down, I want to first thank our wonderful Canyon Crest staff for their devotion and perseverance in teaching the children of this...
I hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break! I can’t believe how quickly time passes and that our school year is in the final quarter! We have had such an eventful year of exciting things...
What is a STEM Designation? Over the past three years, Canyon Crest has been preparing to become a STEM designated school as teachers have been training in coding, robotics, and implementing...