May Principal’s Message
May 16th, 2022
May Principal’s Message As the 2021-22 school year is winding down, I want to first thank our wonderful Canyon Crest staff for their devotion and perseverance in teaching the children of this...
Looking back on the month of April, we were certainly busy! We enjoyed a much-needed Spring Break, a fun Hope and Kindness Week, successful Book Fair, we started our RISE testing, had an enjoyable family night at R & R Barbeque, and not to mention our Second Grade encounter with a skunk at recess! That was certainly a first in my career!
May has certainly blossomed into a beautiful month, much like we have observed our Canyon Crest students grow and develop despite our Covid year. We are so proud of them! Looking forward, we are excited to end our year strong, and I am seeing amazing learning happening as teachers are teaching hands-on science opportunities with their students, preparing Wax Museum events, and strategic academic learning continuing up to the last minutes of the school year. We are excited, also, to enjoy many of our traditional activities that we hold in May. Please mark your calendars for the following events: Dia de El Ninos (May 7 th ), Kindergarten KEEP testing (May 10 th – 14 th ), 5 th Grade Wax Museum (May 14 th – virtual viewing for parents), 6 th Grade vs Staff Kickball Game (May 14 th ), Mrs. Cooper’s Kindergarten Graduation (May 20 th – parents please join us at the front of the school), Mrs. McLeod’s Kindergarten Graduation (May 15 th – parents please join us at the front of the school), 6 th Grade Graduation and BBQ (May 26 th – parents please join us on the back lawn for the graduation ceremony), Field Day (May 27 th ), last day of school and yearbook signing (May 28 th ). Whew! I’m exhausted just thinking about it all!
Our teachers, in conjunction with working with their students, have been busy in a Leadership Retreat where we have been setting goals around parent suggestions made in our Canyon Crest survey, preparing student enrollments for next year, sharing curriculum between grade levels to provide awareness of what students have learned and what they can anticipate learning as they move forward, and just plain having some fun with the kids! They deserve a good break after this school year! Summer School will be up and running June 7 th through July 1 st , Mondays through Thursdays 8:45 am until 1:00 pm. We will be sharpening our language arts and math skills, and teaching some fun enrichment activities. We anticipate that this month of school will help close some of the achievement gaps that may have occurred during on-line instruction time. Thanks to all who are encouraging their children to attend.
Thank you, to ALL of our Canyon Crest parents, students, and teachers for helping create a memorable school year. Although this pandemic was very challenging in so many ways, I feel we have come away with new and stronger skills in many areas. We have developed new on-line skills, learned that we can survive hard things like masks, desk shields, and walking through the school in one direction. We have been reminded of some common practices such as washing our hands frequently, coughing and sneezing into our arms, and respecting each other’s space. However, I think the biggest lesson we have learned through our pandemic experience is to be kinder, more respectful of others’ perspectives, and more fully appreciate our families and friendships. Through the children and my colleagues, I have watched, learned and grown myself. I believe we have come out stronger as a community. We look forward to returning to our full school schedule in the fall with renewed energy, eager to enjoy learning and working with parents in our building again, and returning to the goals we had set and raced to achieve before April 2020 hit us. Please know how much we love and appreciate you, your suggestions, and reaching out to us for questions and concerns you may have. We love working with you and consider you our team members in your children’s school success. Have a wonderful and safe summer. We will be in touch again soon!
Rene Cunningham
May Principal’s Message As the 2021-22 school year is winding down, I want to first thank our wonderful Canyon Crest staff for their devotion and perseverance in teaching the children of this...
I hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break! I can’t believe how quickly time passes and that our school year is in the final quarter! We have had such an eventful year of exciting things...
What is a STEM Designation? Over the past three years, Canyon Crest has been preparing to become a STEM designated school as teachers have been training in coding, robotics, and implementing...