May Principal’s Message
May 16th, 2022
May Principal’s Message As the 2021-22 school year is winding down, I want to first thank our wonderful Canyon Crest staff for their devotion and perseverance in teaching the children of this...
February 2021
Principal’s Message
Dear Canyon Crest Families,
We are now on the downhill slope of the school year and, just like a sledding hill, this part of the school year whips by faster than ever! I always get to this point and wonder where the time has gone.
I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to have our students back in the classrooms every day. I know our teachers are feeling the same sentiment and both students and teachers are working diligently to make up for lost time. We look forward to when we are back to our normal school days and hours, but right now we are just grateful for the time we have with students each week.
One of the biggest lessons learned from this pandemic experience is how vital it is to have students at school and learning with a teacher in the classroom. Although this has always been my belief, it has never been more apparent than this year. Our assessment data, as well as the positive emotional energy displayed by our students as they attend school are indicative that students NEED to be at school. We uge families to continue encouraging students to be in school on time and on a daily basis. Especially right now, every minute counts! Thank you to all who are trying so diligently to get to school on time in the mornings. If your child is unable to attend, please reach out to teachers and the school to get the necessary assignments for students to stay current in their learning. Also, thank you to all who met with teachers in SEPs last week to discuss their child’s academic accomplishment. The success of every student is crucial.
With February being the “Valentine” month, I just want to leave you with a ‘Valentine thought’: After experiencing such a challenging year, I’m encouraging families to give the heartfelt gift of time for Valentine’s. The candy and flowers are always nice, but memories of family time together can last a lifetime. A few little ideas that I am going to try with my family this Valentine’s season is (1) share a favorite childhood memory of mine, such as an experience, book, or movie, and explain why it became a favorite, (2) spend a quality evening together with the entire family playing a game, watching a TV show or movie together, and (3) spend some individual time with each family member just TALKING. I thought I would do this either over dessert, or going for a walk. (The walk would be much healthier!)
Please know how much we appreciate our Canyon Crest community and the support you send our way on a daily basis. We love your children and look forward to finishing this school year in a strong and successful manner. May you all have a wonderful February!
Rene Cunningham, Principal
May Principal’s Message As the 2021-22 school year is winding down, I want to first thank our wonderful Canyon Crest staff for their devotion and perseverance in teaching the children of this...
I hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break! I can’t believe how quickly time passes and that our school year is in the final quarter! We have had such an eventful year of exciting things...
What is a STEM Designation? Over the past three years, Canyon Crest has been preparing to become a STEM designated school as teachers have been training in coding, robotics, and implementing...